So for months, years possibly, I have been excited about moving to Chicago, starting seminary, and beginning the next chapter. Though I was (and will be) scared to pieces with the thought of change, it has a way of giving blessings in strange and almost miraculous ways.
I am so happy here. Something about this past week has signaled that a change has taken place. Do you ever do that? Get so busy you don't notice that a change has occurred? Then you step back and go, wait! How'd that happen?
Well, Whit has affectionately termed this new me, this big adventure - "Alison 2.0."
I think there are both external factors and internal ones. Ones you could see and ones you couldn't. I think this is the case with all change, however. It permeates into every facet of your life. Right?
So, let me try to explain this update version, this Alison 2.0 to you.
I feel like I am exactly where I need to be. Like so much of my life has been leading up to this place at this time. What first comes to mind is being in Chicago on the eve of a very important presidential election in the same neighborhood where my hopeful is from. Why is this exciting beyond the obvious? ---I am finally getting into politics. As recent as a year ago, I hated them. Yes, I am using the word, HATE. Politics divided people and someone was always full of shit and missing the point. Why waste time arguing and going around in circles when it wasn't going to change anyone's mind? But, something changed. Something shifted. I actually enjoy talking to my TN friends who are going for McCain and discussing why they are excited about Sarah Palin. Maybe I have exceptionally unique friends in that we don't argue - we discuss - but I think a lot of it has to be on my side of things, too. Who would have ever thought I would have enjoyed politics??
The outward appearance of me has changed. Of course it is easy to see the glasses. Something about them however, and the coinciding shift into Chicago fall/TN winter has me feeling good about the way I look. I feel cute in my glasses. My hair is a good length. I am really enjoying playing with layers and looks and my scarves (though the shoe department is lacking at the moment in closed toed shoes). My fabulous roommate even told me she loves the way I dress. Let me make it clear - no one has EVER loved the way I dressed. Why? I never really cared. Well, I would care a few days out of the month. Funny how those were the days I got complimented on how I looked (no matter if I was dressed up or dressed for work - as long as I cared, I got noticed). So with the glasses, with the layering fun of a winter wardrobe, and slightly more positive outlook, I feel great. I also took the advice of my George friend and went shopping today with T. I got a really beautiful light purple scarf and an adorable red and black checked top at the Gap.
I will continue later with more updates on Alison 2.0. Thoughts and comments so far?
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Dirty Dancing is not red, it seems to be pink!
If you've known me for any good length of time, you know that I've been obsessed with Dirty Dancing my entire life. And no, that's really not an exaggeration. I've been watching the movie for as long as I can recall. (Yes, as far back as I can remember, I have been watching Dirty Dancing. It has only been in the later part of my life that I ever realized all the subplots. When I was little, I just liked the dancing.)
....I was thrilled to find out it was going BROADWAY. And even more thrilled when Dad and I got tickets for his birthday visit to see the show during its pre-broadway run in Chicago. Sweet!
It completely lived up to my expectations and exceeded them! I was grinning and squealing the entire time. They had all the really good lines and the amazing scenes. I was fascinating with the set that cleverly employed modern technology (think about all the scene changes in the movie...). The guy playing Billie was phenomenal. Amazing singer. Really talented actor. (Whit, I promise I will look up his name and ask you about him soon). The show was just really, really fun. We had a good time.
Bonus: I am now the proud owner of a Kellerman's shirt. Watch for its appearance on my person soon. ;)
....I was thrilled to find out it was going BROADWAY. And even more thrilled when Dad and I got tickets for his birthday visit to see the show during its pre-broadway run in Chicago. Sweet!
It completely lived up to my expectations and exceeded them! I was grinning and squealing the entire time. They had all the really good lines and the amazing scenes. I was fascinating with the set that cleverly employed modern technology (think about all the scene changes in the movie...). The guy playing Billie was phenomenal. Amazing singer. Really talented actor. (Whit, I promise I will look up his name and ask you about him soon). The show was just really, really fun. We had a good time.
Bonus: I am now the proud owner of a Kellerman's shirt. Watch for its appearance on my person soon. ;)
Saturday, October 25, 2008
My glasses are not RED, they are brown and cream
My journal is partially red, and greasy, and crumbled...
Wreck this journal check list:
Put a page through the washer and stuck it back in.
Took it in the shower with me.
Threw journal across the room as a random destructive act.
Used journal as a hat/umbrella in the rain.
Burnt a page. Smeared marshmallow goo over another page.
Had friends sign where they did damage.
Smeared dinner across a page. Used the opposite page as a napkin.
It's going well. And I just bought paint for future projects involving vegetables, my hair, and various objects from "the office."
Put a page through the washer and stuck it back in.
Took it in the shower with me.
Threw journal across the room as a random destructive act.
Used journal as a hat/umbrella in the rain.
Burnt a page. Smeared marshmallow goo over another page.
Had friends sign where they did damage.
Smeared dinner across a page. Used the opposite page as a napkin.
It's going well. And I just bought paint for future projects involving vegetables, my hair, and various objects from "the office."
Friday, October 24, 2008
Did I tell you I was applying for one? I've had a little too much time on my hands... to spend money that I've not been making at the coffee shop. Yes, apparently no other store in the world will ever be as awesome as my store is. The lady in charge was completely disorganized and I just couldn't work for her. That and I felt it was time for something new.
So about a month ago, an email was sent out asking for applications for a student assistant for the candidacy office. I immediately went and applied. I interviewed this last week. It is all to do with organizing and confidentiality. Right up my alley. And... I just got the email that I got the job!! I'm so excited! New glasses and a job all in one day? It feels just like Christmas. :)
*Sigh* I'm so happy.
Did I tell you I was applying for one? I've had a little too much time on my hands... to spend money that I've not been making at the coffee shop. Yes, apparently no other store in the world will ever be as awesome as my store is. The lady in charge was completely disorganized and I just couldn't work for her. That and I felt it was time for something new.
So about a month ago, an email was sent out asking for applications for a student assistant for the candidacy office. I immediately went and applied. I interviewed this last week. It is all to do with organizing and confidentiality. Right up my alley. And... I just got the email that I got the job!! I'm so excited! New glasses and a job all in one day? It feels just like Christmas. :)
*Sigh* I'm so happy.
Matchbox Twenty is... RED? Perhaps Yellow?
So I woke up with this song playing in my head. Not sure why as I haven't listened to Matchbox Twenty in years. Perhaps I caught a few notes on someone's radio as I walked by yesterday? Anywho, the lyrics are good for me:
I thought about leaving but I couldn't even get outta bed.
I'm hangin' cause I couldn't get a ride outta town.
Now anyone who really wanted me to be down, Come 'round.
Thought about singin' but I couldn't remember all of the words.
Breakin' but I couldn't get the pieces apart.
Laughin' never knowing what the joke was about.
Now I'm down.
And I wonder how I never got the burn,
And if I'm ever gonna learn
How lonely people make a life
One strain at a time.
Forgot about everything and everyone I needed before.
Tryin' to get a handle on a reason to shine.
Pickin' up the pieces that are falling behind takes time.
So I wonder how I never got the burn
And if I'm ever gonna learn
How lonely people make a life
One strain at a time and still shine
(Chorus repeats)
So there's that...
I've had a fairly productive week. I went to get my eyes checked yesterday and ordered new glasses!!! I can't find a picture of them online anywhere so you'll just have to wait until they're on my face and I take a picture. I CAN'T WAIT!! I hope I didn't make a hasty decision with them. But they just fit me, so I couldn't say no. Anyway, that feels like a huge weight off my shoulders. I'm so excited!!!
Guess that's all the news I have. What are you up to?
EDIT: They called around 2 to say my glasses were ready. So guess what I'm wearing now.... ??
I thought about leaving but I couldn't even get outta bed.
I'm hangin' cause I couldn't get a ride outta town.
Now anyone who really wanted me to be down, Come 'round.
Thought about singin' but I couldn't remember all of the words.
Breakin' but I couldn't get the pieces apart.
Laughin' never knowing what the joke was about.
Now I'm down.
And I wonder how I never got the burn,
And if I'm ever gonna learn
How lonely people make a life
One strain at a time.
Forgot about everything and everyone I needed before.
Tryin' to get a handle on a reason to shine.
Pickin' up the pieces that are falling behind takes time.
So I wonder how I never got the burn
And if I'm ever gonna learn
How lonely people make a life
One strain at a time and still shine
(Chorus repeats)
So there's that...
I've had a fairly productive week. I went to get my eyes checked yesterday and ordered new glasses!!! I can't find a picture of them online anywhere so you'll just have to wait until they're on my face and I take a picture. I CAN'T WAIT!! I hope I didn't make a hasty decision with them. But they just fit me, so I couldn't say no. Anyway, that feels like a huge weight off my shoulders. I'm so excited!!!
Guess that's all the news I have. What are you up to?
EDIT: They called around 2 to say my glasses were ready. So guess what I'm wearing now.... ??
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Life is not RED, unless you are having a case of the Mean Reds with Holly
"Tears and fears and feeling proud
To say I love you right out loud
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds
Ive looked at life that way
Well somethings lost, but somethings gained
In living every day.
I've looked at life from both sides now."
-Joni Mitchell's Both Sides Now
Yes, Joni. I've looked at life from both sides now. From up and down. Well, I haven't died and come back to life or anything so dramatic. In a way, however, I feel on top of things that I used to feel I was drowning in. There's something freeing about praying over your to-do list and for ONCE getting it done. I don't like praying over my to do lists or my goals for the day or week. It feels cheesy. It feels like I'm bugging God and asking her to help me with things I should be capable of all on my own.
Then again, it works...
I don't know what exactly it is. I have more focus. When I start to listen to music or do something random, my thoughts shift back to the task on hand. Normally at that point I would simply give up and say, "eh." I am the queen of procrastination. I've got it down. And despite how many people are diagnosed and misdiagnosed with A.D.D., I really think we've all got a little bit of it. It's human. We get distracted!
But I've actually been calling places. I'm getting my eyes checked tomorrow and hopefully figuring out some new glasses soon. I called my future (hopefully) CPE site. I'm working on the application. I did laundry. I went grocery shopping. And I even wrote a note to my old landlord. It feels good to be productive!! I had forgotten....
So, thanks for listening. I'm going to go eat some chicken casserole that I made today (yes, that grocery shopping thing is amazing) and read before class. :)
To say I love you right out loud
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds
Ive looked at life that way
Well somethings lost, but somethings gained
In living every day.
I've looked at life from both sides now."
-Joni Mitchell's Both Sides Now
Yes, Joni. I've looked at life from both sides now. From up and down. Well, I haven't died and come back to life or anything so dramatic. In a way, however, I feel on top of things that I used to feel I was drowning in. There's something freeing about praying over your to-do list and for ONCE getting it done. I don't like praying over my to do lists or my goals for the day or week. It feels cheesy. It feels like I'm bugging God and asking her to help me with things I should be capable of all on my own.
Then again, it works...
I don't know what exactly it is. I have more focus. When I start to listen to music or do something random, my thoughts shift back to the task on hand. Normally at that point I would simply give up and say, "eh." I am the queen of procrastination. I've got it down. And despite how many people are diagnosed and misdiagnosed with A.D.D., I really think we've all got a little bit of it. It's human. We get distracted!
But I've actually been calling places. I'm getting my eyes checked tomorrow and hopefully figuring out some new glasses soon. I called my future (hopefully) CPE site. I'm working on the application. I did laundry. I went grocery shopping. And I even wrote a note to my old landlord. It feels good to be productive!! I had forgotten....
So, thanks for listening. I'm going to go eat some chicken casserole that I made today (yes, that grocery shopping thing is amazing) and read before class. :)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Country Music tagged as cure for depression
So you may have realized that last week I was depressed. Missing home. Feeling a little heart broken. Behind on homework. The week just was not fabulous.
I couldn't tell you exactly what cured me... what liberated me from my funk. I did get to dance a little bit. I socialized. I turned in some homework. I got over my broken heart. I got mail.
...and I listened to country music.
I don't know what it is exactly about country music but I feel like it gets me. I'm not saying I love it all. Some of it ridiculous, twangy, and trite. But there's so much more to it than that. Sometimes, you need a little corny in your life. You need someone crooning at you and telling you that love is possible, believing in God is possible, and holding onto who you are is possible. Life is possible. "Every heartache makes you stronger! But it won't last much longer. You'll find love, you'll find peace, and the you you are meant to be. I know that's not the way you feel right now, but one day you will...." That'd be Lady Antebellum. Whitney sent me their cd. (God bless you, Whit.)
I'm not sure why I feel so at home listening to country music. It could merely be the attachment to Nashville and Tennessee that I will always have. Is country music just a piece of that? Well, you could argue that, I guess. But sometimes, those cheesy country lyrics and twang are just EXACTLY what I need to get through the day. I realize I'm a girl... and I'm a word person that loves lyrics... and my love language is words of affirmation.... but country music gets me.
Sort of like bad poetry? Sometimes you don't have the energy to see the depths and nuances of really amazing poetry. Sometimes you need simple straightforward words that say that roses are red and violets are blue. I love country music, how about you?
I couldn't tell you exactly what cured me... what liberated me from my funk. I did get to dance a little bit. I socialized. I turned in some homework. I got over my broken heart. I got mail.
...and I listened to country music.
I don't know what it is exactly about country music but I feel like it gets me. I'm not saying I love it all. Some of it ridiculous, twangy, and trite. But there's so much more to it than that. Sometimes, you need a little corny in your life. You need someone crooning at you and telling you that love is possible, believing in God is possible, and holding onto who you are is possible. Life is possible. "Every heartache makes you stronger! But it won't last much longer. You'll find love, you'll find peace, and the you you are meant to be. I know that's not the way you feel right now, but one day you will...." That'd be Lady Antebellum. Whitney sent me their cd. (God bless you, Whit.)
I'm not sure why I feel so at home listening to country music. It could merely be the attachment to Nashville and Tennessee that I will always have. Is country music just a piece of that? Well, you could argue that, I guess. But sometimes, those cheesy country lyrics and twang are just EXACTLY what I need to get through the day. I realize I'm a girl... and I'm a word person that loves lyrics... and my love language is words of affirmation.... but country music gets me.
Sort of like bad poetry? Sometimes you don't have the energy to see the depths and nuances of really amazing poetry. Sometimes you need simple straightforward words that say that roses are red and violets are blue. I love country music, how about you?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Words are GOLD, so are Patens
On another note, you know how you hear a word once that you've never heard before and then you hear it two or three more times within about a week?
Word of the Week: ** PATEN ** (no, not a patent)
Who's heard of it? Yeah, I hadn't either. Until this week. Then it was woah.
1st occurrence: I was listening to Alela Diane's song, "Rifle" (that I've been listening to on repeat and missing my brother because of it). She's got this line, "Brother I'm so sorry that you watched the Patens burn. I've been holding onto the gold when letting go would free my hands." I figured she was saying "painting" with an accent, like "paintin's" or similar. Then the gold would be the frame on a painting. Right? Well, I looked up the lyrics and it says "patens" with a capital P. Odd, huh?
2nd occurrence: Today, in church. I don't remember exactly when I saw the word but I chuckled at seeing this random word for a second time.
3rd occurrence: Okay, I'm cheating by calling it the third occurance because I really just came home and looked it up on wiki. According to wiki, "A paten, or diskos, is a small plate, usually made of silver or gold, used to hold Eucharistic bread which is to be consecrated." So it is the little plate that we put the bread on during communion. Sweet.
In the eastern church, however, it is far more fascinating. "For Christians of the East, the diskos symbolises the Virgin Mary, who received Christ into her womb, and gave him birth; and also the Tomb of Christ which received his body after the Crucifixion, and from which he resurrected."
Wiki also says that "During the Divine Liturgy it is not only the Lamb (Host) that is placed on the diskos, but also particles to commemorate the Theotokos, the Saints, the living and the departed. Thus, on the diskos is represented the entire Church: the Church Militant and the Church Triumphant, arrayed around Christ." In non-Jesus-talk, the entire church (Jesus, his mother, the saints, the living members of the church, and those already dead) is atop that paten.
So how much cooler did the song just get? A LOT COOLER.
==> Brother, I'm so sorry that you had to watch the entire church burn. But I'm holding onto it when it'd be so much easier to let it go.
Word of the Week: ** PATEN ** (no, not a patent)
Who's heard of it? Yeah, I hadn't either. Until this week. Then it was woah.
1st occurrence: I was listening to Alela Diane's song, "Rifle" (that I've been listening to on repeat and missing my brother because of it). She's got this line, "Brother I'm so sorry that you watched the Patens burn. I've been holding onto the gold when letting go would free my hands." I figured she was saying "painting" with an accent, like "paintin's" or similar. Then the gold would be the frame on a painting. Right? Well, I looked up the lyrics and it says "patens" with a capital P. Odd, huh?
2nd occurrence: Today, in church. I don't remember exactly when I saw the word but I chuckled at seeing this random word for a second time.
3rd occurrence: Okay, I'm cheating by calling it the third occurance because I really just came home and looked it up on wiki. According to wiki, "A paten, or diskos, is a small plate, usually made of silver or gold, used to hold Eucharistic bread which is to be consecrated." So it is the little plate that we put the bread on during communion. Sweet.
In the eastern church, however, it is far more fascinating. "For Christians of the East, the diskos symbolises the Virgin Mary, who received Christ into her womb, and gave him birth; and also the Tomb of Christ which received his body after the Crucifixion, and from which he resurrected."
Wiki also says that "During the Divine Liturgy it is not only the Lamb (Host) that is placed on the diskos, but also particles to commemorate the Theotokos, the Saints, the living and the departed. Thus, on the diskos is represented the entire Church: the Church Militant and the Church Triumphant, arrayed around Christ." In non-Jesus-talk, the entire church (Jesus, his mother, the saints, the living members of the church, and those already dead) is atop that paten.
So how much cooler did the song just get? A LOT COOLER.
==> Brother, I'm so sorry that you had to watch the entire church burn. But I'm holding onto it when it'd be so much easier to let it go.
Kiss his hand, receive bread.
I heart the Greek Orthodox church.
The visit this morning was fabulous. I absolutely loved the Priest. The service was long and mostly in Greek... and we stood for a lot of it, but it was all so beautifully worded ("the mercy of grace") and the building itself had all these gorgeous icons on the wall and the canting.... *sigh*
Maybe I just missed church. I haven't been for a few Sundays. I always forget that when I go there I feel at home. It doesn't even matter if it is an entirely different tradition than my own. There's something about prayer that feels right within me.
That, and since I am learning Greek, it was amazing to sit and listen to it being read/sung by these beautiful voices. It was so rewarding to recognize Greek words and to see them in use. I loved it...
I've also been listening to Josh Groban all day. So mix a little sentimental Josh Groban music with a little Greek canting and you have a day that feels like sunset. :)
"Through darkness, don't you ever stop believing. With love alone, with love you'll find your way." -JG
The visit this morning was fabulous. I absolutely loved the Priest. The service was long and mostly in Greek... and we stood for a lot of it, but it was all so beautifully worded ("the mercy of grace") and the building itself had all these gorgeous icons on the wall and the canting.... *sigh*
Maybe I just missed church. I haven't been for a few Sundays. I always forget that when I go there I feel at home. It doesn't even matter if it is an entirely different tradition than my own. There's something about prayer that feels right within me.
That, and since I am learning Greek, it was amazing to sit and listen to it being read/sung by these beautiful voices. It was so rewarding to recognize Greek words and to see them in use. I loved it...
I've also been listening to Josh Groban all day. So mix a little sentimental Josh Groban music with a little Greek canting and you have a day that feels like sunset. :)
"Through darkness, don't you ever stop believing. With love alone, with love you'll find your way." -JG
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Creation parties are RED, sure. They're also filled with fruit.
No thoughts? Well, I guess I'll just give you a random assortment of mine.
Went to IKEA today and got my roommate a new foam mattress. Hopefully she is sleeping contently on that new bed. I got new sheets for my bed and a rug for my squeaky floor. It doesn't really make a difference, but I prefer stepping on it in bare feet than I do the hard wood. It is a beautiful navy color and it matches my curtains. Yay!!
Had a lovely visit with my cousin. Toured campus. Had some amazing breakfast food at Mellow Yellow on 53rd. Then chilled and talked and watched a MI:III (though it skipped part way through for no good reason and I wanted to cry). We had a good time not stressing about going to museums and such.
Went with my Jen friend to Wrigleyville last night to meet some of her friends. I successfully rode the trains!! Well, just the Red Line. STILL, I am a proud owner of a CTA card and I know where to swipe it, etc. Yes, I am taking over Chicago, one public transit system at a time.
The downside was that when we came back by train at 1:30am, we had to wait until around 2am for the bus that runs to take us the rest of the way. At least I had Jen. There's no way I'd ever do that alone. Hello taxi!!
Went to a creation party tonight. Some random group of scientists decided that the world was finished being created by GOD on October 18th at 8:36pm. So we celebrated their idiocy by dressing up and having a party. I went as darkness. Kendra went as light. There was an adam, a bunch of grapes (fruit of the tree...), Lilith, "the lesser light," and various people with leafy contraptions or nature like elements and those in regular clothing. Quite fun. I love us.
So that's what I know. I'm going to an Eastern Orthodox service tomorrow. Partly to experience it, and partly to write a reflection paper for one of my classes (we have options on what to do the paper on, I chose this as one of mine). So, I'm really excited about that. There's a little group of us going. So, when I'm avoiding cleaning the apartment tomorrow, expect a blog about that!
p.s. I let the word out that I like hugs and now I have people that I hug (or get hugged by) every time I see them. It is QUITE fabulous. Thanks Sally. Thanks David. Keep 'em coming.
Went to IKEA today and got my roommate a new foam mattress. Hopefully she is sleeping contently on that new bed. I got new sheets for my bed and a rug for my squeaky floor. It doesn't really make a difference, but I prefer stepping on it in bare feet than I do the hard wood. It is a beautiful navy color and it matches my curtains. Yay!!
Had a lovely visit with my cousin. Toured campus. Had some amazing breakfast food at Mellow Yellow on 53rd. Then chilled and talked and watched a MI:III (though it skipped part way through for no good reason and I wanted to cry). We had a good time not stressing about going to museums and such.
Went with my Jen friend to Wrigleyville last night to meet some of her friends. I successfully rode the trains!! Well, just the Red Line. STILL, I am a proud owner of a CTA card and I know where to swipe it, etc. Yes, I am taking over Chicago, one public transit system at a time.
The downside was that when we came back by train at 1:30am, we had to wait until around 2am for the bus that runs to take us the rest of the way. At least I had Jen. There's no way I'd ever do that alone. Hello taxi!!
Went to a creation party tonight. Some random group of scientists decided that the world was finished being created by GOD on October 18th at 8:36pm. So we celebrated their idiocy by dressing up and having a party. I went as darkness. Kendra went as light. There was an adam, a bunch of grapes (fruit of the tree...), Lilith, "the lesser light," and various people with leafy contraptions or nature like elements and those in regular clothing. Quite fun. I love us.
So that's what I know. I'm going to an Eastern Orthodox service tomorrow. Partly to experience it, and partly to write a reflection paper for one of my classes (we have options on what to do the paper on, I chose this as one of mine). So, I'm really excited about that. There's a little group of us going. So, when I'm avoiding cleaning the apartment tomorrow, expect a blog about that!
p.s. I let the word out that I like hugs and now I have people that I hug (or get hugged by) every time I see them. It is QUITE fabulous. Thanks Sally. Thanks David. Keep 'em coming.
Friday, October 17, 2008
apology and request
This is my official apology for my lack of posts lately. I simply don't know what to write about. So I'm asking you... what would you like to hear? More about classes? Thoughts on my heart being stretched? Friends? Visits?
As an aside, my cousin from MN is coming to visit today!!! YAY!!! And then I have to go grocery shopping. I have been unfreezing bagel halves and making pb and jelly with almost moldly/stale bread from last week. It's a sad state.
As an aside, my cousin from MN is coming to visit today!!! YAY!!! And then I have to go grocery shopping. I have been unfreezing bagel halves and making pb and jelly with almost moldly/stale bread from last week. It's a sad state.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
My Political Rant is most certainly about the RED and BLUE - Feel free to ignore... or comment!
Someone told me the other day that the crazies are coming out of the wood work. People actually chanting bad things about Obama at a republican convention?? I try not to watch too much news because it essentially depresses me to a point where I can do nothing but feel outraged (which is perhaps the point, I realize - but I'm at seminary, this is my little contribution to the shit the world finds itself in). I have to say, though, that I am frustrated.
Got a ridiculous email from a friend down in TN about how someone was going to be on the news to tell the TRUTH about Obama. Yup, the truth. Here's a selection for your amusement:
Yup. All caps. The entire email.... One last tidbit for you: "THIS IS SERIOUS,EVERYONE."
Really? I didn't think the election of the next president was serious. I thought it was a game in which I could pretend to be an absolute idiot and know nothing about the candidate I support.
Then my Whit sent an article that made me smile, finally. Someone outraged and more eloquent than I. Here, go read then come back to me. Go. Read.
Now I know that if you are a republican reading that, you were most likely offended. And for that, I'm sorry. I know Republicans think I'm blind, though. People keep telling me stories about Obama, 1) expecting me to believe them, 2) expecting me to believe that they make a difference in his ability to be president, and 3) expecting to change my vote. Nope. Sorry.
I am voting for Obama. You vote for whomever you want to. I promise I'll still be your friend. :)
What's worse? I assure you there are people who have no idea there is an election coming up or who the candidates are. Don't believe me? Journey back with me to Tuesday. I am out with my cousins and my new lil' 2nd cousin (or is he once removed?). So we journey into the eye store to check out new frames (yes, I am getting new glasses soon!!). Nate casually jokes that we should find ourselves a pair of Sarah Palin glasses. The clerk/attendant who is assisting our selection process says, "Oh, I don't know who that is. I don't watch much tv." She later adds, "Is she a designer? Or a model or something?" T, Nate, and I exchange glances. Who's going to tell this woman that she's not a designer but a VP nominee for the future president of the country YOU LIVE IN...? I think I finally mumbled something about her being the Republican VP candidate. The girl said "Oh..." but we aren't confident she had any clue who we were talking about.
It made me want to cry. At least my Republican friends have done their research and KNOW who Sarah Palin is and who her running mate is... even if they don't know her glasses. Ha. ;) (WINK!)
So my point? Let's agree to disagree. That's the whole point of elections. Just stop the bullshit slinging and go vote.
Got a ridiculous email from a friend down in TN about how someone was going to be on the news to tell the TRUTH about Obama. Yup, the truth. Here's a selection for your amusement:
Yup. All caps. The entire email.... One last tidbit for you: "THIS IS SERIOUS,EVERYONE."
Really? I didn't think the election of the next president was serious. I thought it was a game in which I could pretend to be an absolute idiot and know nothing about the candidate I support.
Then my Whit sent an article that made me smile, finally. Someone outraged and more eloquent than I. Here, go read then come back to me. Go. Read.
Now I know that if you are a republican reading that, you were most likely offended. And for that, I'm sorry. I know Republicans think I'm blind, though. People keep telling me stories about Obama, 1) expecting me to believe them, 2) expecting me to believe that they make a difference in his ability to be president, and 3) expecting to change my vote. Nope. Sorry.
I am voting for Obama. You vote for whomever you want to. I promise I'll still be your friend. :)
What's worse? I assure you there are people who have no idea there is an election coming up or who the candidates are. Don't believe me? Journey back with me to Tuesday. I am out with my cousins and my new lil' 2nd cousin (or is he once removed?). So we journey into the eye store to check out new frames (yes, I am getting new glasses soon!!). Nate casually jokes that we should find ourselves a pair of Sarah Palin glasses. The clerk/attendant who is assisting our selection process says, "Oh, I don't know who that is. I don't watch much tv." She later adds, "Is she a designer? Or a model or something?" T, Nate, and I exchange glances. Who's going to tell this woman that she's not a designer but a VP nominee for the future president of the country YOU LIVE IN...? I think I finally mumbled something about her being the Republican VP candidate. The girl said "Oh..." but we aren't confident she had any clue who we were talking about.
It made me want to cry. At least my Republican friends have done their research and KNOW who Sarah Palin is and who her running mate is... even if they don't know her glasses. Ha. ;) (WINK!)
So my point? Let's agree to disagree. That's the whole point of elections. Just stop the bullshit slinging and go vote.
Monday, October 13, 2008
My journal is not RED, but it is AWESOME
Retail Therapy with Sasha:

My new favorite book.
A link to the website since you can't really open the book. Oh wait, you can on amazon.
Opening up to a random page, it tells me to fill the page with circles. Another page says to collect my pocket lint and glue it to the page.
This is so my kind of book. A little chance to break all the rules... all contained within the wonder of a little journal.
My heart is better. How's yours? Who would have thought it possible that a Monday cured the terribleness of the weekend??!! :)
Examples: One of my teachers today wore a black button up shirt. I went for a walk. I listened to James Taylor. I vented with Sasha. We went to Dunkin Donuts (guilty pleasure, yes). Then I did something new - I volunteered at the Living Room Cafe. I loved it!! I think I've had the thought before that serving others generally always cures me of my funk. I don't know what it is about it. But it does. So I leave you with that. Feel free to mail additions to my journal and I will promptly paste them inside with love.
My new favorite book.
A link to the website since you can't really open the book. Oh wait, you can on amazon.
Opening up to a random page, it tells me to fill the page with circles. Another page says to collect my pocket lint and glue it to the page.
This is so my kind of book. A little chance to break all the rules... all contained within the wonder of a little journal.
My heart is better. How's yours? Who would have thought it possible that a Monday cured the terribleness of the weekend??!! :)
Examples: One of my teachers today wore a black button up shirt. I went for a walk. I listened to James Taylor. I vented with Sasha. We went to Dunkin Donuts (guilty pleasure, yes). Then I did something new - I volunteered at the Living Room Cafe. I loved it!! I think I've had the thought before that serving others generally always cures me of my funk. I don't know what it is about it. But it does. So I leave you with that. Feel free to mail additions to my journal and I will promptly paste them inside with love.
James Taylor is not RED, he is blue, but a happy blue
There has ALWAYS been something about James Taylor's songs and his voice that give me indescribable comfort. I've been saying for years that because of his song, "Sweet Baby James," I would name my own son James. I don't even think I realized when I was younger that the artist who sings Sweet Baby James was named James. It's a song about his nephew, I do believe. An amazing country cowboy lullaby that I will always love.
But there's so much more. And as I've grown up, James Taylor has stayed with me.
"We had to close our eyes. To cut up our losses into doable doses; ration our tears and sighs." That's from Never Die Young which I think is about true love. Actually, I think all of James' songs have something to do with true love, even if the truth of it is that it hurts. "There aint no doubt it no ones mind / That loves the finest thing around." Whether he is seeing some other couple in love, he himself is in love, or he's talking about home.
Then there's the Frozen Man which I originally thought was a silly subject for a song. But it celebrates life. One man's life. His story.
"I said angel of mercy I'm alive or am I dead?
My name is William James McPhee. I was born in 1823.
Raised in Liverpool by the sea, but that ain't who I am.
Lord have mercy on the frozen man..."
That's beautiful! Profound!
And from Carolina in my Mind, he speaks to my situation now:
"With a holy host of others standing round me,
Still I'm on the dark side of the moon.
And it seems like it goes on like this forever.
You must forgive me if I'm up and gone to Carolina in my mind."
Except replace Carolina with Tennessee. I REALLY miss Tennessee. Home.
And on days when the soul sits low, there's classic Fire and Rain,
"Won't you look down upon me Jesus
You got to help me make a stand
You just got to see me through another day
My body's achin' and my time is at hand
I won't make it any other way."
Or simply this one liner that breaks your heart: "Sweet dreams and flying machines in pieces on the ground."
Then Copperline is another one about Carolina. About the unique nature of our homes. The traditions that no one can explain. Memories of firsts. And the great romantic James is, he sings, "First kiss ever I took / Stole a page from a romance book / The sky opened and the earth shook / Down on Copperline." Love it! Love him. And this line about home: "Tried to go back, as if I could."
What else? Ah, yes. A song that I only recently discovered by James. Starbucks decided to sell James Taylor's live concert album. A CD and DVD combo that I purchased for my Daddy for Christmas last year. The song is "You Can Close Your Eyes" and the words are incredible. I will leave you with them. Peace.
"Well, the sun is slowly sinking down, the moon is surely rising. This old world must still be spinning round, and I still love you.
So close your eyes. You can close your eyes it's alright. I don't know no love songs. I can't sing the blues anymore, but I can sing this song, and you can sing this song when I'm gone.
Well, it won't be long before another day, and we're gonna have a good time. No one's gonna take that time away, and you can stay as long as you like.
So close your eyes. You can close your eyes it's alright. I don't know no love songs. I can't sing the blues anymore, sure but I can sing this song, yes, and you can sing this song when I'm gone."
BONUS: He and Carly performing this song.
But there's so much more. And as I've grown up, James Taylor has stayed with me.
"We had to close our eyes. To cut up our losses into doable doses; ration our tears and sighs." That's from Never Die Young which I think is about true love. Actually, I think all of James' songs have something to do with true love, even if the truth of it is that it hurts. "There aint no doubt it no ones mind / That loves the finest thing around." Whether he is seeing some other couple in love, he himself is in love, or he's talking about home.
Then there's the Frozen Man which I originally thought was a silly subject for a song. But it celebrates life. One man's life. His story.
"I said angel of mercy I'm alive or am I dead?
My name is William James McPhee. I was born in 1823.
Raised in Liverpool by the sea, but that ain't who I am.
Lord have mercy on the frozen man..."
That's beautiful! Profound!
And from Carolina in my Mind, he speaks to my situation now:
"With a holy host of others standing round me,
Still I'm on the dark side of the moon.
And it seems like it goes on like this forever.
You must forgive me if I'm up and gone to Carolina in my mind."
Except replace Carolina with Tennessee. I REALLY miss Tennessee. Home.
And on days when the soul sits low, there's classic Fire and Rain,
"Won't you look down upon me Jesus
You got to help me make a stand
You just got to see me through another day
My body's achin' and my time is at hand
I won't make it any other way."
Or simply this one liner that breaks your heart: "Sweet dreams and flying machines in pieces on the ground."
Then Copperline is another one about Carolina. About the unique nature of our homes. The traditions that no one can explain. Memories of firsts. And the great romantic James is, he sings, "First kiss ever I took / Stole a page from a romance book / The sky opened and the earth shook / Down on Copperline." Love it! Love him. And this line about home: "Tried to go back, as if I could."
What else? Ah, yes. A song that I only recently discovered by James. Starbucks decided to sell James Taylor's live concert album. A CD and DVD combo that I purchased for my Daddy for Christmas last year. The song is "You Can Close Your Eyes" and the words are incredible. I will leave you with them. Peace.
"Well, the sun is slowly sinking down, the moon is surely rising. This old world must still be spinning round, and I still love you.
So close your eyes. You can close your eyes it's alright. I don't know no love songs. I can't sing the blues anymore, but I can sing this song, and you can sing this song when I'm gone.
Well, it won't be long before another day, and we're gonna have a good time. No one's gonna take that time away, and you can stay as long as you like.
So close your eyes. You can close your eyes it's alright. I don't know no love songs. I can't sing the blues anymore, sure but I can sing this song, yes, and you can sing this song when I'm gone."
BONUS: He and Carly performing this song.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Family is not RED, family is an array of colors
"Sometimes families are the ones you choose." -Vanessa Carlton
And just like that, the week is drawing to a close. Instead of doing productive school work, I caught up on life. I know that wasn't the expressed function of "reading week" but I made it "catch up on life week." Well, there was that one time I looked at some Greek vocab cards. Go me! Otherwise, I spent quality time with the fam.
After hanging out in Washington with family, I went to visit my Grandma at her assisted living facility which doubles as an independent living facility (which to me, means happier people in general). I did little tasks around the apartment for grandma and we even got out to run errands. We went to the grocery store, the florist and cemetery (to say hello to Uncle Scott and Papa), the bank, the Mendota Reporter office to renew her subscription, and by the old house that we both quite miss. Quite a successful outing, though. Grandma came home for a "rest" and actually feel fast asleep! I told her she would sleep really well that night and she simply looked at my gravely and nodded. Haha!
Alright, I guess I actually should get to some of that Greek homework. Till next time, I remain your 1L.
And just like that, the week is drawing to a close. Instead of doing productive school work, I caught up on life. I know that wasn't the expressed function of "reading week" but I made it "catch up on life week." Well, there was that one time I looked at some Greek vocab cards. Go me! Otherwise, I spent quality time with the fam.
After hanging out in Washington with family, I went to visit my Grandma at her assisted living facility which doubles as an independent living facility (which to me, means happier people in general). I did little tasks around the apartment for grandma and we even got out to run errands. We went to the grocery store, the florist and cemetery (to say hello to Uncle Scott and Papa), the bank, the Mendota Reporter office to renew her subscription, and by the old house that we both quite miss. Quite a successful outing, though. Grandma came home for a "rest" and actually feel fast asleep! I told her she would sleep really well that night and she simply looked at my gravely and nodded. Haha!
Alright, I guess I actually should get to some of that Greek homework. Till next time, I remain your 1L.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
My toes are not RED, they are light purple :)
I just got a pedicure... and ate a delicious grilled cheese sandwich on french bread. I got to take a nap with baby Tyce fast asleep on my chest today. I got a really good nights sleep in the guest room that Tommy moved upstairs for me. I am loved and relaxed. And happy.
"Heaven. I'm in heaven."
Unfortunately, I haven't got a lot of work done. Haha. I even tried to go and get my IL ID and register Henry. Sadly, I didn't bring my social security card with me from the city. So, they said no.
Aside from that, I've been reflecting on the idea of head vs. heart. What it means when you are following emotion instead of logic... or if there is such a disconnect between the two in the first place. I've often thought there were times when I could completely go off logic and others when I could go purely on emotion. So what is it? Why does one emotional thought change our mind... or one logical conclusion change our heart? Are they connected or not? I'll let you know when genius thought has graced my mind and I finally know the answer. Haha!
"Heaven. I'm in heaven."
Unfortunately, I haven't got a lot of work done. Haha. I even tried to go and get my IL ID and register Henry. Sadly, I didn't bring my social security card with me from the city. So, they said no.
Aside from that, I've been reflecting on the idea of head vs. heart. What it means when you are following emotion instead of logic... or if there is such a disconnect between the two in the first place. I've often thought there were times when I could completely go off logic and others when I could go purely on emotion. So what is it? Why does one emotional thought change our mind... or one logical conclusion change our heart? Are they connected or not? I'll let you know when genius thought has graced my mind and I finally know the answer. Haha!
Monday, October 06, 2008
State Radio is not RED, for they are against bloodshed
"Oh make me feel good, rock and roll band, I'm your biggest fan!" - Joni Mitchell
Wore my new State Radio t-shirt today. I'm still glowing from getting to see them. All in all the venue had a little something stuck up its backside (as in, we got carded, got bracelets for being over 21, got directed to wait in certain areas and back away from the stairs, Chris had to check his camera... for $5 fee, then they carded you at the bar as well, continually busted underage drinkers, and were just generally very cranky - I'd prefer to never go there again...). I do have to say that the sound, however, was incredible. Best yet. That's the benefit of a larger venue, I guess. I just tend to like my personal space bubble and it was invaded multiple times that evening as it was a standing room only concert.
Alas, the guys played an incredible show. I already told you they ended the night with Chris and my favorite song, "Mr. Larkin." So we were... happy about that. They also played Alias, which was beautiful. Altogether, an amazing show. And a great weekend.
The boys and I went to the Field Museum, the Aquarium, Cedars, Medici's, Pizzaria Uno, and Giordano's. They say Uno's has the most amazing pizza they've ever had. So that was a success. That and all the walking we did equal a pretty amazing weekend. Yay for my sibling and my
"sibling" visit.
And now pictures for your enjoyment. :) Click on them if you want to see the larger versions.

Wore my new State Radio t-shirt today. I'm still glowing from getting to see them. All in all the venue had a little something stuck up its backside (as in, we got carded, got bracelets for being over 21, got directed to wait in certain areas and back away from the stairs, Chris had to check his camera... for $5 fee, then they carded you at the bar as well, continually busted underage drinkers, and were just generally very cranky - I'd prefer to never go there again...). I do have to say that the sound, however, was incredible. Best yet. That's the benefit of a larger venue, I guess. I just tend to like my personal space bubble and it was invaded multiple times that evening as it was a standing room only concert.
Alas, the guys played an incredible show. I already told you they ended the night with Chris and my favorite song, "Mr. Larkin." So we were... happy about that. They also played Alias, which was beautiful. Altogether, an amazing show. And a great weekend.
The boys and I went to the Field Museum, the Aquarium, Cedars, Medici's, Pizzaria Uno, and Giordano's. They say Uno's has the most amazing pizza they've ever had. So that was a success. That and all the walking we did equal a pretty amazing weekend. Yay for my sibling and my
"sibling" visit.
And now pictures for your enjoyment. :) Click on them if you want to see the larger versions.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
the CTA is Red, right?
Yes, the State Radio concert ended with Mr. Larkin. Corinna said she has never seen me so happy. I was jumping up and down and screaming like an idiot. It was fabulous.
So, I apologize for a devastating lack of posts. You haven't been lonely, have you? Plenty to read on the internet. I have been, what's the word, um - BUSY. Last weekend started off early Friday and I wasn't back here until 2:30am because of my delayed flight out of Atlanta. Then I've spent the week doing book reports, catching up on life, and avoiding laundry. Thursday I slept in, went to chapel, went to a meeting I had previously forgotten about, then went to Greek and turned in the incomplete assignment (surprise meetings = incomplete work). After class, Corinna and I navigated our way to O'Hare. This is around 3:30, mind you. We got there around 4:15, parked, and found Corinna's friend. Then that put us in 5 o'clock traffic all the way home. That was about 6pm. I was having friends over for mexican lasagna at 6:30 and it takes 45 minutes to cook. Well, it got cooked eventually and it was delicious. I didn't kill anyone. Watched the debate with Tyler and then watched Princess Bride with a bigger group.
Which brings us to this weekend. The boys arrived early Friday. We got food and futzed around. I attempted to do some laundry (I just collected my last load from the laundry room around midnight last night). Sasha and I took the guys to the hotel and attempted to find David's Bridal to pick up my dress. An HOUR AND A HALF later, as I am screaming, we find it. The dress is beautiful. I just wish they didn't make it mandatory that I pick it up in seven days... and in some of busiest seven days I've had since I've been here. Ah, well. A little Target retail therapy fixed that. Then we got the guys, gathered friends, and went to get pizza and go to Jimmy's. Saturday was museums, dunkin donuts, and the State Radio concert. Most excellent.
I don't know what other news I have for you. I'm still planning on doing a last weekend post, so look for that with pictures. Chris has been taking some from this weekend, so hopefully I can steal some of those as well.
Okay, I'm going to go pick the guys up and we are going to the Aquarium! Super yay.
Love and hugs,
p.s. I have successfully navigated the CTA... twice. :D
So, I apologize for a devastating lack of posts. You haven't been lonely, have you? Plenty to read on the internet. I have been, what's the word, um - BUSY. Last weekend started off early Friday and I wasn't back here until 2:30am because of my delayed flight out of Atlanta. Then I've spent the week doing book reports, catching up on life, and avoiding laundry. Thursday I slept in, went to chapel, went to a meeting I had previously forgotten about, then went to Greek and turned in the incomplete assignment (surprise meetings = incomplete work). After class, Corinna and I navigated our way to O'Hare. This is around 3:30, mind you. We got there around 4:15, parked, and found Corinna's friend. Then that put us in 5 o'clock traffic all the way home. That was about 6pm. I was having friends over for mexican lasagna at 6:30 and it takes 45 minutes to cook. Well, it got cooked eventually and it was delicious. I didn't kill anyone. Watched the debate with Tyler and then watched Princess Bride with a bigger group.
Which brings us to this weekend. The boys arrived early Friday. We got food and futzed around. I attempted to do some laundry (I just collected my last load from the laundry room around midnight last night). Sasha and I took the guys to the hotel and attempted to find David's Bridal to pick up my dress. An HOUR AND A HALF later, as I am screaming, we find it. The dress is beautiful. I just wish they didn't make it mandatory that I pick it up in seven days... and in some of busiest seven days I've had since I've been here. Ah, well. A little Target retail therapy fixed that. Then we got the guys, gathered friends, and went to get pizza and go to Jimmy's. Saturday was museums, dunkin donuts, and the State Radio concert. Most excellent.
I don't know what other news I have for you. I'm still planning on doing a last weekend post, so look for that with pictures. Chris has been taking some from this weekend, so hopefully I can steal some of those as well.
Okay, I'm going to go pick the guys up and we are going to the Aquarium! Super yay.
Love and hugs,
p.s. I have successfully navigated the CTA... twice. :D
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Bright Eyes are Bright, they aren't RED
"So I'm singing, drinking, breathing, writing;
Everyday I'm on the clock.
My mind races with all my longings,
But can't keep up with what I got."
~Bright Eyes - I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning
(frankly the whole song has amazing lyrics... but it's bright eyes, so you've gotta expect that)
I'm a little stressed; I'm not gonna lie. I'm still finding time to laugh and smile and sleep, I promise. But I can't help feeling that there is no way to ever keep up with everything so we do the best we can with what we've got.
Everyday I'm on the clock.
My mind races with all my longings,
But can't keep up with what I got."
~Bright Eyes - I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning
(frankly the whole song has amazing lyrics... but it's bright eyes, so you've gotta expect that)
I'm a little stressed; I'm not gonna lie. I'm still finding time to laugh and smile and sleep, I promise. But I can't help feeling that there is no way to ever keep up with everything so we do the best we can with what we've got.
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