My new favorite book.
A link to the website since you can't really open the book. Oh wait, you can on amazon.
Opening up to a random page, it tells me to fill the page with circles. Another page says to collect my pocket lint and glue it to the page.
This is so my kind of book. A little chance to break all the rules... all contained within the wonder of a little journal.
My heart is better. How's yours? Who would have thought it possible that a Monday cured the terribleness of the weekend??!! :)
Examples: One of my teachers today wore a black button up shirt. I went for a walk. I listened to James Taylor. I vented with Sasha. We went to Dunkin Donuts (guilty pleasure, yes). Then I did something new - I volunteered at the Living Room Cafe. I loved it!! I think I've had the thought before that serving others generally always cures me of my funk. I don't know what it is about it. But it does. So I leave you with that. Feel free to mail additions to my journal and I will promptly paste them inside with love.
I checked out the book on Amazon, and I very much like it, and it very much is you. I hope you are having fun with it!
I'm having a hard time wrecking it so far. I should do a page tonight and take it in the shower with me!!
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