Sunday, October 19, 2008

Kiss his hand, receive bread.

I heart the Greek Orthodox church.

The visit this morning was fabulous. I absolutely loved the Priest. The service was long and mostly in Greek... and we stood for a lot of it, but it was all so beautifully worded ("the mercy of grace") and the building itself had all these gorgeous icons on the wall and the canting.... *sigh*

Maybe I just missed church. I haven't been for a few Sundays. I always forget that when I go there I feel at home. It doesn't even matter if it is an entirely different tradition than my own. There's something about prayer that feels right within me.

That, and since I am learning Greek, it was amazing to sit and listen to it being read/sung by these beautiful voices. It was so rewarding to recognize Greek words and to see them in use. I loved it...

I've also been listening to Josh Groban all day. So mix a little sentimental Josh Groban music with a little Greek canting and you have a day that feels like sunset. :)

"Through darkness, don't you ever stop believing. With love alone, with love you'll find your way." -JG

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