Saturday, October 18, 2008

Creation parties are RED, sure. They're also filled with fruit.

No thoughts? Well, I guess I'll just give you a random assortment of mine.

Went to IKEA today and got my roommate a new foam mattress. Hopefully she is sleeping contently on that new bed. I got new sheets for my bed and a rug for my squeaky floor. It doesn't really make a difference, but I prefer stepping on it in bare feet than I do the hard wood. It is a beautiful navy color and it matches my curtains. Yay!!

Had a lovely visit with my cousin. Toured campus. Had some amazing breakfast food at Mellow Yellow on 53rd. Then chilled and talked and watched a MI:III (though it skipped part way through for no good reason and I wanted to cry). We had a good time not stressing about going to museums and such.

Went with my Jen friend to Wrigleyville last night to meet some of her friends. I successfully rode the trains!! Well, just the Red Line. STILL, I am a proud owner of a CTA card and I know where to swipe it, etc. Yes, I am taking over Chicago, one public transit system at a time.

The downside was that when we came back by train at 1:30am, we had to wait until around 2am for the bus that runs to take us the rest of the way. At least I had Jen. There's no way I'd ever do that alone. Hello taxi!!

Went to a creation party tonight. Some random group of scientists decided that the world was finished being created by GOD on October 18th at 8:36pm. So we celebrated their idiocy by dressing up and having a party. I went as darkness. Kendra went as light. There was an adam, a bunch of grapes (fruit of the tree...), Lilith, "the lesser light," and various people with leafy contraptions or nature like elements and those in regular clothing. Quite fun. I love us.

So that's what I know. I'm going to an Eastern Orthodox service tomorrow. Partly to experience it, and partly to write a reflection paper for one of my classes (we have options on what to do the paper on, I chose this as one of mine). So, I'm really excited about that. There's a little group of us going. So, when I'm avoiding cleaning the apartment tomorrow, expect a blog about that!


p.s. I let the word out that I like hugs and now I have people that I hug (or get hugged by) every time I see them. It is QUITE fabulous. Thanks Sally. Thanks David. Keep 'em coming.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you are doing what you need to be doing, so YEAH!! Chris is coming to help me with chores. Colder here, finally.

Unknown said...

Colder here, finally, too. I'm loving it.