Sunday, April 03, 2011


"65 years... don't they go by in a blink."
-Bill Parish, Meet Joe Black

Last year Easter was the day after my birthday and my heart was a little broken. But I had a little party @ Free B's and got my xbox and got to see some family members, namely my mom who was in town for Easter and my birthday. The year before that I was thrown a surprise party in TN in which I got to see many friends and family, bowl, wear a birthday crown with star sunglasses and a feather boa, eat yummy food, and bask in the love of my friends.

The year before that... was that the year I got my first tattoo? Yes, my 23rd. See how my mind is going adrift even a few years into my past? People kept asking me this morning how old I was today. When I replied 26, they mostly laughed and said I was so young.

And I see the future stretch out before me, unknown but so incredibly full of possibilities. Some days it is scary. Some days it is the only thing that makes me stop panicking - knowing I have time. That's not to say I will waste my days, but I've got time enough to do the things God has called me to do. Time enough to figure out who I am (a question I don't think we are ever done answering, even at 87) and where God will lead me (I just mistyped God as TOE - beautiful.)

Thanks for the memories, friends. ;)

1 comment:

Mom said...

I ♥ U