Friday, March 13, 2009

Cooking and Kate Nash

So, I seem to have forgotten how much I like BAKING. I even like cooking a bit, too. But BAKING, I really enjoy. I made my apricot jam thumb print cookies that I am dubbing an "Irish Penny" for the St. Patty's day party tonight (I dyed the dough greenish!).

I was thinking I distinctly remember when I was in Mrs. Sikes class (for 1st grade?). We went to the playground every day, of course. Well, on St. Patrick's day, when we came back, our room had been upset by leprechauns!! There were little green footprints on the floor and some of our chairs had even been overturned! But at least he left green dyed treats for us. :D

That was a great day....

Anywho, I was cooking and listening to Kate Nash (my fabulous big brother sent me new music!!) and I was just really, really happy. The moment just sat with me really well. I guess I can't wait to live on my own next year. I will institute baking day once a week or so to recover from the stress of life (although, baking is stressful in a way, it is entirely LESS stressful for me because it works different brain muscles or something). The music made it better. The fact that I didn't have anything to do until 7 tonight made it better.

Of course now the guilt is starting to set in that I haven't used this day more productively to catch up on school work and such. Perhaps tomorrow? No... tomorrow... well, honestly? I'm going shopping for shoes with my 2nd cousin Jim. It will be splendidly non academic!

p.s. because I like to musically educate you from time to time, check out some good music videos:

4 State Radio videos on the PASTE magazine website. The guys are performing while lying on their backs! Click here to watch all 4 back to back. Then this one....

... is from someone who does really cool graphics for good songs (this time featuring Kate Nash's "Nicest Thing").

1 comment:

Emily Anne Carson said...

I heart Kate Nash. Great video. Such good lyrics. I'll admit, they make me a little sad about past failed relationships. But then I just look at your last entry and "let it go." :) Hugs.