Tuesday, February 03, 2009

On a new semester beginning

The sermon in chapel this morning was fabulous. It was our very amazing preacher teacher (ha!), though, so we expect great things from him. :)

Satterlee was talking about all the people that we "bring" to seminary with us... and it made me homesick at the same time that it pushed me forward to continue working through this seminary adventure.

So I just wanted to say thank you. Seriously. You have made so much of this possible. Your support has been incredible both in the very beginning when I still said "seminary" with a question mark behind it and a raised eyebrow... and today when the days are long and the streets are cold and my soul is getting stretched.

THANK YOU. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I'm excited about the classes so far. I'm always surprised how amazing the academics are here. Whenever I start to get doubtful that I'm at a place that challenges all parts of me (body, mind, soul), I am instantly reminded that I'm in a fabulous place. Even with the financial crisis of the nation, the seminary is pulling through. They are making changes that are necessary without damaging the integrity of the school. I respect them so much. I'm quite blessed to be here. I truly am living the dream.

p.s. THANK YOU MAMA for my snail mail care package. I will be enjoying its goodies and thinking of you all week. xoxo

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