Thursday, January 08, 2009

On Snow. Salt. And a little about pizza.

Snow's pretty. Snow's ugly. Snow is blissful. Snow is depressing.

ALSO, do you ever think of how many words we have to describe how it is snowing? I mean, I know the thing about eskimos and their words for snow... but we have a lot ourselves. Not only can it be "snowing," but it can be dusting or storming, it can be a blizzard! We have "wintery mix" and "freezing rain" to go with what it is once its on the ground - SLUSH. I hate slush. It is brown and watery and gets in your shoes and makes puddles. When the weather doesn't cooperate it turns to ICE! Slush is just no fun.

God bless salt!! I now have a new found ironic appreciation for that passage (in Luke?) about never loosing your saltiness. Salt of the earth type stuff. I adore salt. There's even colored salt! I saw blue salt in front of the little kids school down the road. Fabulous. I want a bucket of it just for kicks. Er, for fun. I don't literally want to KICK the bucket... or figuratively!

There is definitely a bonus of living in student housing - my sidewalks get scraped of their snow before I'm even up. The downside is that the scraping happens right down from my window BEFORE I AM EVEN UP. So god bless you sir for scraping off my sidewalk so I can walk to class safely... but do you have to do it SO early?? There's just no sleeping through SCRAPING metal against concrete. None.

I did think today, as I was walking to class and the sun was catching a nice undisturbed pile of snow, that it sparkled. It glistens! How cool is that? (Like Edward....)

Anywho, I'm going to go celebrate not having to translate Greek by walking to go get pizza at Giordano's with friends. Yay!

p.s. got my 1st quiz back today - I got a 95!!

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