Friday, September 19, 2008

Transitions are....

So I keep thinking that various things have prepared me for my arrival in Chicago. The W's did a lot in their own special way. For one, they taught me to add vegetables to my mac and cheese. God bless them for that because I don't particularly enjoy my veggies... but any veggie tastes good coated in cheese and mixed in with delicious carbs. Hello!

The fire station that is a block south brings to mine my dearest little one (and a half!) year old that liked to squeal or cry at various early hours when my eyes were still shut. Oh, those adorably funny temper tantrums... So now when I hear the sirens raging just down below my (open) window as they drive past, I close my eyes and picture my Mads. *Sigh*

I'm not really sure I was fully prepared for the creaking floors. Any parallels in my former life to little noises that are fairly constant? Aside from the former ongoing soundtrack of H's comments on daily living and life, I don't think anything can properly prepare one for the staccato-ed stepping of creaking floors. Every step... you get to make a lil' noise. Ha!

And then it was UHON in general that completely prepared me for the work load of grad level classes. People keep talking about how much there is to read... and while I agree, I have to just nod my head and recognize that it is really nothing out the ordinary. Yay for ridiculously hard undergrad classes that I could never get my reading done in!! Haha.

I am so very happy that I took four useless semesters of Latin and one semester of Greek. I thought Latin was utterly useless because it is a dead language and I never learned it well. But it makes the concept of declensions and parsing and different genders and parts of speech SO much easier. Maybe that's why I like Greek so much right now... hmmm.

Whitney's addiction to The West Wing has somewhat prepared me for the sheer volume of politics here in Chicago. At least The West Wing made me ENJOY politics. And rumor has it that Jimmy Smits' character, Matt Santos, was BASED on Barack Obama (Yes, read about it). Now let's just hope that real life follows the fabulous imagination of Aaron Sorkin. It was a great last season.
*says a little prayer* (On a complete side note, I hear that my brother and I are cancelling each other's votes this november... both flipping sides from 4 years ago... and STILL on opposite sides.)

My office supply fetish is also being put to good use. I love making vocab cards for Greek and getting to sharpen my pencils and use various pens. Oh, Peter Perry's purple pens in Greek!! Each and every class we have a quiz. We self grade - BUT we use Peter Perry's purple pens. Then we hand them in and he generally gives us a little more credit than we give ourselves and he grades them in green. So awesome that I get to feed my addiction to pens and pencils and notebooks and paper. Oh!! I am getting back into letter writing. So if you haven't given me your address, please let me have it. :)

Okay, best go make some of those Greek vocab cards. How are you spending YOUR friday night??? Hahahaha... *sigh*


A said...

Ya know I watched a repeat marathon of The West Wing on Bravo while doing laundry today! And yes, it was a fabulous final season.

You'll be happy to know the girls had mac and cheese with peas for lunch. I'll be sure to let them know you shared a meal.

We miss you terribly!

Anonymous said...

ditto on UHON preparing for huge reading loads in grad school, and the community preparing us to go far and wide in search of dreams, or back home in my case.

I miss you, and i'm sorry I'm super late in reading this!

Unknown said...


I bought cans of corn and peas today specifically for the function of adding it to mac and cheese. I told this to my german friend and she said she might not be my friend anymore... I tried to explain. But alas...


Yes. Exactly. "far and wide in search of dreams" IS finding home, my Po.
Sasha and I talk about how much we miss you every time we get together. Which... is a lot.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree about UHON preparing you for the large amounts of reading/work in grad school. While a lot of the people at law school with me seem to be freaking out about the reading and constant work, I feel that I've been totally prepared to handle the work load. Yay UHON. Definitely one of the best things *ever* about my life.

I'm glad grad school seems to be going so well for you. :-) Law school is going pretty good for me. There are days when I really like it and then there are days that I could take it or leave it, lol. Nevertheless, I definitely feel this is where God wants me to be in my life right now, and that is such a comforting and affirming feeling. God is so good. :)

Whitney said...

Dude..."obsession".... hello you know everything that we enjoyed together as roommmates should be classified as a "healthy appreciation"!