That's us at "the point" here in Chicago. Yes folks, that's the Chicago city skyline in the background and the lake. Of course... I still feel like I am on vacation. I'm waiting to hit the two week point when I am ready to see my family and all my people back in TN.
Anywho, one of the days of our orientation, we learned a lesson on community. We were split up into groups and sent forth from the school towards the outer reaches of Hyde Park. We call it a bubble. So we stayed in the bubble, but we explored! Our group was sent towards Woodlawn. We stopped in at the Woodlawn Community center and spoke with a woman there about the community and everything they are doing to make it a better place to be. I can't help but say that I love this place.

We had a welcome / welcome back party with snacks, wine, a keg, DDR, pool, and lots of conversation the other night. S&DW liked to call this the "Welcome to Jesus School Kegger" which I find hilarious. Of course, one of my friends here corrected them, "No, it was a welcome to LUTHERAN school kegger."
BTW, S&DW live two blocks away. Two people all the way from Chattanooga... to this big ole city. And they ended up two blocks away. Don't think I'm not giddy with the fact that I have friends who knew me when so close. Even better? They get along with my seminary friends. Yay!
In other news, I have registered for my classes. Pentateuch and Wisdom, Biblical Greek, Church History 1, and Church and Society. I can't wait!!
I feel like this post is so disjointed. I am checking email, facebook, lstcnet, lstcemail, other blogs, and notes at the same time. My head it quite full of information and endless to do lists.
...and I couldn't be happier.
More later when my head is cleared. I'm heading out of the city to go see my new baby cousin once removed. At least I think that's what I have to say. Basically, he's just baby Tyce. I can't wait to meet him!
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