I've been composing a list of things in my head that I wish I could eventually "grow" out of. The things that I just get tired of and rebel against. My bad habits that I wish I could break. We all have 'em. Here are some of mine.
*Brushing my teeth.
There are a few nights recently that I just plain DO NOT brush my teeth before going to bed. This is of course disgusting and appalling... but sometimes I just can't make myself brush my teeth. This might be due to the fact that I was always taught that when you brush your teeth, you should brush them the time it would take to listen to your favorite song. I am thorough. Yes, it takes me about 5 minutes to brush my teeth. Sometimes I just don't want to.
*Wasting time on the computer.
With the recent adoption of Hamilton, I spend a good amount of time in my bed on my laptop. He's wonderful and amazing. And he sucks up my time like no one's business. Why haven't I learned yet to just check my email once a day? Who knows. Bad Hamilton...
This might go along with the brushing my teeth thing, but I don't like washing my face. When I shower, I was my face but I certainly don't wash my face twice a day like I'm supposed to. Thus, I have acne. Actually, I had a span of time when I was deliberate about washing twice a day and it made no difference. I have acne. I will continue to. It is just the curse of being hormonal. Ha!
I like driving fast. I can blame this on my brother but I'm sure I could blame movies as well. Whatever the case, I like driving fast. I haven't gotten in a lot of trouble with this. I've never had a speeding ticket. (*says small prayer upwards*) BUT I realize I drive in a way that is not GREEN. Both environmentally friendly and wallet friendly. So I'm trying to keep that RPM needle bobbing at an acceptable level. If only I could move north to be around drivers that drive correctly so I wouldn't have to accelerate around ones that can't....
I picked this one up at a young age. I can't break it. I PILE everything. I know exactly what is in every one of my piles. They have themes and subthemes. I get it. This is why it is so entertaining when I attempt to tell other people how to find something in my pile system. Someday, I might seek therapy to overcome this habit. Until then, I pile on.
A future seminary student swearing? Well, yes. More than occasionally, I have a sailor's mouth. If you know me, you've seen it. It is especially susceptible to outside influence. I keep a rather tight lid on the swearing when I am around my girls or out on the floor at work or around my fabulous grandmothers or at church. Otherwise, I might swear for the fun of it. But, I'm going to seminary. Must start breaking this nasty lil' habit!!
*Eating instead of drinking water.
One of the easiest lessons to learn in dieting is to try drinking water when you feel hungry because half the time we get that "hmmm.... I'm thinking about something tasty" signal, our body simply wants a little H2O. There are good weeks and bad ones. This particular one, right now, NOT a good week. Must drink water.....
Will I ever grow up and out of these little problems? Oh, I hope so. I dearly hope at least a few of them will evolve into comments about how well I take care of my teeth, my skin, my house, and my car. Oh, Henry!
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