Sunday, June 03, 2012

Koburg Goodness

A trip on the Autobahn to Koburg! 90 Euro in gas to get there and back. Corinna says we are not allowed to complain about gas prices in the US!

At the church in Koburg where Luther preached several times. This is the beautiful baptismal font that had cherubs around the bottom and the phrase "Let the little children come to me." Awesome.

Corinna posing with Luther's bust in the church.

In Koburg town center.... Gotta love on Prince Albert if you are in Koburg!

But you know my love is for this man.... here's Martin in the balcony area of Luther's Chapel at Veste (Castle) Koburg where he chilled for a time.

And on the wall of the room he slept in. This is where he translated psalms and wrote letters to the people hanging out in Augsburg where he wasn't allowed to go. So sad.

Cranach art of Martin and Katie. Woot!

I found out C's mom's mom was also a Schmidt! My mom's mom is formerly a Schmitty as well. ;) 
C's family is in Koburg - our main reason for going up to Koburg today! 

1 comment:

Laura said...

Im enjoying reading along during your trip!