Friday, May 27, 2011

It appears I disappeared

Well friends. If you've been following for a while, you know my writing comes in waves. And that I'm not one to apologize for absences from my blog. It happens. We move on.

My lack of writing things out simply means that I've had more of creation to engage in my process of processing this whole internship thing. Quite honestly, I've grown so much in this last month that I'm a little shocked. But grateful, oh so grateful. I'm getting a clearer picture of what type of ministry I want to do in the future (more on that later), I'm dressing in a such a way that I feel comfortable in my skin and confident, and I'm preparing to be the church's pastor for the last 6 weeks of my internship.

Life is... good. My phone kind of hates me. My laptop dislikes me every other week. The rain is dismal but I'm grateful it's not a tornado and that all my loved ones are safe. I've got lots to keep in prayer because it seems this world is a bit off kilter right now. But I was made to pray so it feels right, even if most of my prayer of late is petitions for peace and healing. Guess we can't ever have enough of that, eh?

Just wanted to check in. I'm working on my sermon for this Sunday and will post it when I'm done. Til then, may the peace and joy and love of God be with you all.

p.s. Good new music: Lady Gaga's newest and Cage the Elephant. Awesomeness in musical form.


MOM said...

i have missed reading your updates. You are loved!
MOM said...

Where have you gone?