Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Do we live in fear? Are we crippled but it? I find that most of the problems I see in the world (including my life) are traced back to fear. People stuck in jobs they hate because it is too terrifying to think of starting a new one or even not finding a new one in the first place. Or fear that the job that is fantastic will run out in the near future. Elderly who don't technically need a walker but use it for fear of falling and breaking a hip. People who are stuck in a routine because of the safety of it. People who don't try new things because new things are scary, especially when done alone (so me). Fear of being alone! (Again, totally me.) Fear that our bank account will dip into the negative when there are still bills to be paid. Fear about tomorrow's weather! Fear about crime! It seems to be everywhere.

There's that horrible token phrase, "Don't worry about anything. Pray about everything." It is cliche to an intense degree. Because of course, if we don't worry about falling down and breaking our hip, we might actually fall down and break our hip. Then come the I-told-you-so's and the regret. "I should have known better." Is there a degree of worrying that is actually helpful? Perhaps what we are really seeking is awareness. Aware of walking slower so we don't fall but not being so caught in fear that we don't walk anywhere. Aware of a new job opportunity and the reality that change is scary but that it happens anyway. Heck, here I am in Montana. I never would have guessed it.

Personally, though I still retreat to my office when I get overwhelmed (read: afraid), I find I am usually rewarded when I step out. I am met by an incredible love story that has seen war and death and still survived. I am met by gracious smiles and handshakes and hugs. I am met with a breathtaking view of mountains, bright flowers, and a moon with a face in it. The fear isn't gone but at least I'm learning that reality never bites as hard as I think it will. And if it does, I'll deal with it then. Now is not the time.

1 comment:

MOM said...

And for me, fear of the fear can get to me every time. Isn't there another saying.. Walk out in faith?
love you