Wednesday, April 08, 2009

God created ants because... ?

p.s. I was attacked by ants on Sunday when I stepped on a small mound of dirt, far too large to be an ant hill. It seems it was an ant HOTEL and they were PISSED. It took me about a minute before I wondered why my legs were itching and stinging. Then I looked down to find my feet, shoes, and my pant legs covered in little brown ants. My body just shivered thinking about it actually.

I've got the bites now two days later all nice and bubbled over. I count at least 6 little red mounds. I know those little guys got me more than that... I guess there were only 6 that got their creepy venom in me??

That'll teach me to not step in dirt anymore. I heart the city...


Emily Anne Carson said...

ouch, ouch, ouch! You are so strong and brave. :)

stephanie said...

ouch, indeed.

what i want to know... is why God created wasps? especially those giant red ones we have out in the country.