Sunday, February 01, 2009

On Random Things

So the latest Facebook trend is to post a list of 25 Random things about you. So when Bema was here last weekend, I composed my own list. Over the past week, most of my family members on Facebook have also posted their lists. I love my family. I feel so blissfully normal around them. Makes me feel a little less... odd. Does that make sense? I am reading their lists and just nodding away. Yup, that's me. Yup, that explains why I do that. Yup, that one too.

And we are all doing that. The Bradley women at least.

So I've been in the vein of thinking about random things. Random things I enjoy. Odd things I do. Peculiar tastes. Unexplainable annoyances. On and on.

So I've been thinking about having longer fingernails. I haven't had long fingernails for at least two years. I worked in a daycare and it was impossible to have longer nails. If they were slightly long at all, I would wind up stabbing the kids or scraping their skin somehow. Long fingernails are the devil when it comes to little kids.

Then I started working at the Coffee shop. Another good reason NOT to have long fingernails. It isn't good to stab customers with your nails when you are handing them their beverage. I promise you - no good.

So I kept them trimmed. They were always polish free (health code thing over coffee and safety for the kids). I tried to maintain them with my little file and did a reasonable job.

I say all this to share with you my delight at being in seminary and letting my nails be long. I love the way they sound on the keyboard. I love the way I can drum them aimlessly on my desk or, even better, a coffee mug (I also delight in the sound my ring makes clicking against the coffee mug handle - I think this is tied to my mother). I'm also a bit of a freak because I like to fold fabric underneath my fingernails (I've heard old folks who are loosing it like to do this and that scares me).

Well, about a month ago, I trimmed my nails on my left hand down when I picked up guitar. You just can't play with long fingernails. I have to be honest and say that I detested it. I LIKE having long nails. Something about them is fun. They aren't even painted (I pick off the paint). I just like them neat and polish free.

Am I crazy?

(On a side note, I think blogging is sort of like composing those lists of random things about yourself. Except for the one line you publish about naming inanimate objects, you write an explanation about it and VOILA! you have a new post. Am I right?)


stephanie said...

personally, i can't handle having long fingernails. it actually kinda creeps me out.

Nikki said...

Longer is fun, until one breaks off way short and then you feel like a goober until you get to cut them all in a similar, yet lame, fashion.

There is that, um, do you do drugs long, but really, it's tough to get there. Fake nails are the only way I've managed to come close, and then I had to get them trimmed before I left the shop.

Oh, and my computer at work and at home have the same case (laptops both), but I enjoy the clicking of the keys much more at home, or maybe that's the glass of wine and procrastination talking. Who knows.

I can't wait to see you!!!