Monday, January 19, 2009

On visiting. Or dates to travel to you.

So here's the deal, friends. The rest of the year is booked... rather, I know when I have school and when I don't. It's looking like I have a limited number of weeks off (welcome to real life, eh?). So I wanted to share with you and discuss my plans thus far. Keep in mind that for the Spring Semester, I have classes Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday only. So all my weekends could potentially be 4 day weekends (with prep time and/or recovery time from trips).

*J-term ends Thursday. I get a week off before the Spring term starts on Feb 2nd.
--This is already loosely planned. Bema's coming to visit me!! She'll arrive on Friday and leave on Sunday. I'll kick around here for a few days then go with Sally to her hometown Thursday and Friday. I plan to read for pleasure the entire week and watch movies. NO GREEK!!! Then I'll be rip roaring ready to start a new semester.

*Spring semester has two week-long breaks. The first is our Reading week from March 2-6 and the second is Easter week from April 6-10. Em's getting married on the 18th of April, though, so I'll be in Chattanooga the next weekend after Easter.
--As of yet, I have no plans for Reading week. Nikki talked about visiting and we discussed a Shana visit. Mom also mentioned coming up for a weekend trip around then. Thoughts?
--For Easter, I'm thinking family time down in Washington instead of traveling to TN twice in a row. Yes? No?

*Spring Semester ends May 15th (though classes are done May 8th). Graduation is on the 17th and I've promised to be there. After that, I've got about two weeks before CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) starts.
--I'd like to spend the two weeks after school is out in TN but I need to get my things moved out of my room here on LSTC campus. I'm not sure how that's going down yet since I won't be in Chicago for the summer.

*CPE runs for a marathon of 12 weeks from June 1st to August 21st. That's my summer. 40+ hours a week. Thankfully, I will be a 1/2 hour from family for easy recovery. :D

*Not sure exactly when the Fall Semester starts up again but I'm thinking around Labor day again. There will be a fall break (still open of course) and a thanksgiving break (Sibling and I are planning on NY with family). Then for December I will be off again. I'm not sure what December looks like, though, as I will be involved with MIC (Mission in Context) my Middler year. So I'll be tied to a church throughout the year. I'll have to ask a Middler if this lasts through the time when school is out. Hmm...

So that's what my year looks like. Depressing amounts of time off. At least I'll have longer weekends to do things. Corinna and I are taking a long weekend to go to San Francisco for her birthday around Valentine's weekend. We found a really good deal on a flight and hotel so we booked! I'm generally not that spontaneous but I've always wanted to go and I won't have her around next year (she's going back to Germany - the nerve!).

So yeah... let me know when you are visiting. PLEASE VISIT!!!!


carlybish said...

We want to come visit. Hopefully, gas prices will remain low and we can. Because I have ALWAYS wanted to visit Chicago.


Verification Thingy: "porties"


Nikki said...

I'm excited that you're spending a week pleasure reading! I am full of suggestions if you are in need/want.

I'm hoping to firm up my visit in the next week or so. I'll let you know before I book! Oh, and if you talk to Shana or Sasha, tell them I'm waiting on date advice!!