Friday, December 05, 2008

Another Productive Use of My Time

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

I apologize in advance to the parents (L, Blu, TNT, Brooksies). I had to have a little something to deal with finals. So this was a rather productive use of my time, don't you think? They are "my" babies after all. :D


Kimberly said...

I was SO excited to see that Ila was an elf!!! YAY!!!!!

Courtney Leigh said...

Okay - what's freaking me out the most is that for some reason little Ila's head on an elf body reminds me of Christina Ricci.

Nikki said...

The cutest thing I've seen in so long. I have this mental picture of baby Brooksies (the adult ones) dancing like that!