Thursday, November 13, 2008

Laundry is RED, black, white, pink, orange, blue...

So here's the honest truth: I love doing laundry.

The sad part is, it is down three flights of stairs in a scary basement/cellar/dungeon. Also, I never have the time to set aside to get it done so when I finally DO laundry, I have about three loads. Because one (of two) of our washing machines downstairs won't drain, this limits us to ONE washer. So who really cares that you have two dryers? Anyway, the point is, I love doing laundry.

I think part of it is my anal retentiveness. Any one of you that has EVER watched me fold laundry like I really like it folded can attest to the fact. I scared Taren and Nessa to death on our mission trip in AZ when I was folding baby blankets for a woman's shelter right off the rez. I had to have them perfect. They thought (...think?) I was crazy.

This laundry problem gives me an excuse to fully express my anal retentiveness in semi-productive and useful ways. Not that it really matters that all my pants are tri folded to right about the same size so they'll fit in my drawer perfectly. Or that my shirts aren't curled up on the bottom sides. I'm sure it doesn't make a bit of difference that my underwear is also tri folded perfectly. I suppose to some extent, I always know what is clean. If it isn't perfectly folded, chances are I wore it. The things that are sloppily refolded are the things I tried on and rejected. The things hung on hooks over my door or on doorknobs are the things I wore for too short a time for them to be dirty. But they aren't clean. So they hang out. On laundry day, all of them go into the to-be cleaned pile.

Okay, it's true - I'm so not green when it comes to laundry. But I like clean clothes. Something to do with smelling good? Haha. Whit got me to convert to scent free simple detergent. The W's got me to convert back. I like clothes that smell fresh and clean. And yes "fresh and clean" is a scent! It says so on my detergent.

Okay, enough about laundry. Basically I just enjoy the excuse to be a perfectionist. :)


Anonymous said...

I loved this post! Doing laundry is one of my favorite things. :-) I'm pretty anal when it comes to folding our laundry as well... I refuse to let Ben fold it b/c I have a system, lol. Also, I too, am not 'green' when it comes to laundry b/c I love my and Ben's clothes to smell good, clean, and fresh. I'm the person standing in aisle who spends entirely too much time smelling the different fabric softeners before deciding which I will buy, lol.

Wow...this was a long comment. I hope all is going well. It certainly sounds like it. I'm happy for you. :-)

Anonymous said...

I would love for either one of you to come over to my house at least once a week and do what you love! (even though I think you're strange for it)

I hate doing laundry.

Kimberly said...

I TOTALLY know what you're saying. And I do a mean tri-fold as well. :)

Whitney said...