Friday, November 14, 2008

Poetry is not RED, it is... uh... Blue. Violets, too!

I loved that you all loved my laundry post. And I love having fresh clean clothes to wear!!! I'm glad I've surrounded myself with anal retentive people... or at least with people that like nice smelling laundry. I forgot to add a charming tale of my roommate, however. The first time I did a few loads of laundry, I hung a lot of it up to dry all over my room. I had several pieces in my doorway, hanging on the door ledge. So she walks in and goes, "WOW! It smells so nice!!" And she walked up to one of my shirts hanging there and breathed in deeply.

I knew we'd get along after that. ;)

So tonight was awesome because the seminary had an open mic night. I read poetry. Two real poems from real poets and one of my own making last week. They liked it! The best part, however, was when Josh decided to cant Baby Got Back. So you know in church when someone sings a line of text all on the same note and only the last few words go up or down? That bit of the liturgy? Well, Josh did that... to Baby Got Back. I almost died laughing on that couch. *sigh* Good times.

Yeah, don't ever say we take ourselves too seriously. Or say that - and know that we then counteract that over serious side by being utterly SILLY.

I heart it here. It feels a little more like a place I can call home every day. Or maybe that's just Alison 2.1 (George's modification is the .1 instead of .0 - he says its... cooler?). She's emerging. She's getting stretched and growing up (*gasp!*).

Poem for your enjoyment follows (though I do highly suggest reading it aloud to catch the rhythm):
You said you'd number his descendants
Like the stars if he could count them.
So what about me, Lord, my stars?

Will I, too, wait until I barren and old
Before you bless me and I am Sarah?
Even then, will I find my womb full
Of warring brothers that refuse to love
Until they war with you and send out an army?
Will I find myself finally with family
Only to pull unleavened bread and run
Into whatever wilderness you've set before me?

Will I find armies at my back, dear LORD?
And will your hand wash them in the river,
Destroy them with an overwhelming tide?
Will you provide, from the sky, a kind of bread
And grant respite, from the sun, with a cloud?
Will you send your blessing down the mountain
And give me the words that guide me?

Will you forgive my golden idols
And my attempts to tempt a king?
Will you forgive my generation for it's doubts
Or for our parents' attempts to build into the sky?
Can your children ever stop questioning
and for once live up to their promises?
Your promises - ours.
Love always,

p.s. I keep fussing with the last line or two....
p.p.s. and do you have any title suggestions? all the ones I come up with are corny... Something about covenant... or counting stars...

EDIT: p.p.p.s. A Covenant of Counting Stars (???)

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