Monday, November 17, 2008

Abs is not RED, but she IS featured in a blog...

So I don't really have time to plunk out a post because I am just a little bit behind in every class. So this afternoon - catch up!!! I'm reading Luther's Three Treatises. Woot, woot.

I shall leave you, then, with a fabulous new blog read (and some freakin' ridiculously cute photos from the blog) at L's blog, This is her most recent post. On a side note, I have no idea how Abs got so big - she'll be six months in a week!!!!

ENJOY!!! (and say a little prayer that I make it to the end of the semester with a smile as big as Abs' on my face)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I told her you were coming to see her for her 1/2 birthday, and she is very exited. :)