(My 100th post!!!!! )
Note: I deleted a random interim post with a link because I dated my Dirty Dancing post to a few days ago when I actually began composing it and didn't want to confuse you (if you didn't follow what I just said, ignore what I just said and read on). So I thought instead I would post a post about posts and explain what I've been reading lately....
I Know My First Name Is Cooper (link)
-I discovered this last night. This is a cat blog (yes, momma, some people have too much time on their hands, but don't we all wonder what our pets REALLY think??) and it makes me laugh. Pictures, too! This post is a one about the cat being black and being raised by a single white woman and how he's voting for Obama because he can relate to him. HA.
Stuff Christians Like (link)
-a witty blog by a Christian making fun of Christians and the traditions that generally surround church. "I would make a pretty sucktacular almighty." That's from this post that made me laugh out loud. Bonus: wise and sage commentary on life in the trenches (aka Christian living). I love it!
Hype Machine (link to my page)
-This is a site that combines all the popular music blogs that are out there and categorizes them by artist and song. So if you've heard a few whispers here and there about MGMT and want to hear their sound, you go here. Type MGMT. Then you can hit the triangle and listen to it on the page. Generally if you "read full post" you will find you can download the tracks to listen to on your own time. This site has been my link to some amazing new music. I'm hooked to Noah and the Whale right now. - - You can also listen by individual blog. My favorite is generally Music for Kids Who Can't Read Good (link to blog on hype machine)(link to actual blog).
That should be enough to keep you busy. What are your favorite online reads?
I introduced you to Cooper...... He is the funniest cat in the whole world, but our cat Hazeyjane is the best......
Sorry I am bias.....
I love the blog Cake Wrecks, its always good for a laugh :)
Rachel, I checked out cake wrecks. Hilarious! I love that she completely picks them apart and isn't guilty about it. The campaign cakes were TERRIBLE!
George, Of course Cooper is awesome. Aren't all cats?
Mama, I love that she's in your dreams! Too funny. I've been having bizarre dreams lately. What's that about?!
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