Monday, August 18, 2008

websites are not RED, they are generally WHITE

On a side note, I'm trying this new program that Ren's friend is studying for a psych project. It is quite fascinating so far. This is one of the things they say about me (it gives a personality profile):
"To always be responsible and dependable gets too heavy at times and you just have to shirk it all sometimes of and do something that is wild and crazy, like going to sleep WITHOUT brushing your teeth. Come and do your worst, dental bacteria! No one is arguing that you are not reliable; it's just that you differ from your very high conscientious peers in that you also have some streaks of impulsivity and can make some spontaneous decisions, rather than lumbering through all of the alternative scenarios. Maybe you're disorganized (God forbid), or perhaps you like to leave your dirty socks all over the house (the horror), or you're a procrastinator (that's the worst one of all). Whatever is the case, you are not conscientious to the extent that you bore people with your stodgy ways."

Did you catch that part about not brushing the teeth? Yeah. Totally me sometimes. I love the attitude this site has. Love it!

Link to the website:

Link to me:

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