Sunday, August 10, 2008

My Clothes are not RED, they are mostly gray and blue and black

Hello gang. Long time no type! Been a long day. I've been gathering, sorting, and packing up my clothes. I've been trying on things for mom and waiting for a nod or a crinkled nose and a head tilt. That's when I know it is really bad. I have a massive pile of clothing for the Salvation Army that I've never seemed to be able to let go of before. Why is it that we hang on to the completely unnecessary long past its necessity?

...and that's only the clothes. I have yet to go through DVD's, CD's, kitchen stuff, office supplies, books, and things for scrap booking. I haven't scrap booked a thing since sophomore year. Not a thing. I've done collages... but not scrap booking. Mostly I've been taking pictures and saving scraps of things that hold some kind of meaning. A note, an invitation, a photograph, a torn piece of paper with a quote on it. These are the things that fill up the boxes that take up an entire section of my dad's garage. Yes, I am a pack rat. I admit that freely.

Let's move on. It has been great getting to see Mom, Dad, Sibling, Ren, Lem, Ash, Bema, Lee and Po. I already miss Chattanooga though. I never thought my home would be so spread out. It seems I've planted little pieces of me in places I can't leave behind. *Sigh* Now, as Rob says, I've got to go and make a home of all the hearts awaiting me in Chicago.

p.s. What follows, you can skip entirely or merely skim over. It is the cranky side of me that is not so sweet... but I need a place to vent. What better place to do it than my blog?

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