Bottom line: Everyone needs to visit the beach at least once a year. I have never been a big beach person. I am a red head. I have extremely sensitive skin. I tend to not enjoy anything where I am outdoors for long periods of time. I burn. I encounter bugs. I get bit. Just not a very positive experience on the whole. BUT I do love taking a walk on the beach when the sun is not beating down on my skin. I do love letting the waves push and pull me in a very lovely kind of lullaby... and I even like (occasionally) getting caught off guard and smacked upside the head when a wave breaks right over me. It keeps me humble. Keeps me sandy. ;)
Let's see if anyone out there can get this quote. My mother was at a loss. "YOU... are like wet sand in my underwear." 10 points to the lovely lad or lass who guesses the movie and or actress who said it.
So the beach was lovely. I loved having mom time. I loved having family time. I loved having chill time. The original purpose of the North Carolina trip, however, was my cousin's wedding. I had a free flight to anywhere in the US courtesy of Southwest Airlines... and an invite to a wedding with family members I had not seen in years. Bonus: it was a trip with my mom out of town... with the possibility of an added beach trip. All signs point to YES.
I really enjoyed the wedding. What I find hilarious, however, is that it was such a complete 180 from the previous weekend's wedding. T&K's was last weekend. This is the happy couple in the photo (pro photos by Amy Callahan). It was just lightly religious (almost to the point of hilarity when there was a hint of religion in there). It lasted barely 15 minutes. The reception was short and sweet right after the ceremony in the church. Later there was a smaller reception with dinner and dancing. Short and sweet and to the point. Classic black, red, and white. Bride in classic white dress and groom in classic black tux. T was ecstatic and I loved seeing him so incredibly happy. I have to say that my brother was dashing as best man in his tux with a red vest. Anywho, beautiful wedding. That was week one (wedding four).

E&R's, on the other hand, was a catholic wedding. And though the service was not a full mass, it followed along the lines of a classic church service. E&R sat down. There was a sermon. There was singing. It was 45 minutes. (I LOVED it - a beautiful balance of everything). Also fabulous was that there was no handing over of the bride. None of this "who gives this woman?" talk because the priest did not believe in the tradition. He thought it treated women like they were possessions. So interesting. I always find it awkward when the father is standing up there for 10 minutes at the start of the ceremony between the bride and groom. Is anyone else weirded out by that? So I embraced that change. Then again, I also like the change up; "Who presents her" and the response is, "Her mother and I do." At mine, we aren't doing any of this placing my hand in my future husband's as a sign of handing over. At least, that is my current stance. MY wedding is a far, far, distant thing.
There was also lots of mingling before hand. I enjoyed that. Anyway, the food at the reception was fabulous. I mean, not just good. FABULOUS. I enjoyed pretty much everything I tried the whole weekend (ok, I don't much like orzo - but I try it every time just to be sure). This isn't to knock other wedding food, but besides K&D's wedding (they are both chefs...), food hasn't been anything stand out. So, way to go E&R.
Oh! My other favorite part were the colors. Purple and yellow. Pale purple and pale yellow. Gracefully beautiful and elegant. E actually wore a very simple satiny pale yellow hand made dress. She looked elegant to boot (she's sitting in the photo above). R had a yellow shirt under his tux and the groomsmen and attendants (and fathers and whomever else got the memo) had on yellow ties. Even one little boy had a yellow tie! I loved it. The flowers, the bridesmaid dresses (purple), the cake, etc. E&R even had little M&M candies with their names and the date on them in little boxes as favors. Yum!
Okay. I promise that is the LAST of the wedding stuff you will hear for a while. That's my last one of the season. I am done! There were only 5 this season. What slackers.

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