The first time someone mentioned "The Shack," I noted the title. The second time, I was getting curious. The third time, I wanted to read it. But life is busy. I have a stack of things to read already. I put it in my "to read eventually" stack in my head.
Then one of my best friends started reading it and liberally quoting to me parts of the book that he knew would get me. Would speak to me. And the book really did call out to me. Even better, he went out and bought the book for me right before a trip to the beach. Armed with ice water, sunscreen, and a pen, I opened the book. I finished it within the week. The whole book is underlined and circled. I texted quotes the entire time to my best friend. Read things aloud to my friend at the beach. It is BEAUTIFUL. Touching. Direct but tender in its approach. So much that I needed to hear about letting go and about loving people.
READ IT. Then let me know your favorite quote. Mine? "You don't have to have it all figured out. Just be with me." -Jesus to Mack
(and you've already heard me talk a little about this one, but here's the official buzz)

What I have to say... is that I might like the vampire version better. There wasn't a sense that Max might KILL Liz at any moment. I don't know if Stephenie Meyer watched Roswell or not. It IS a classic story line whatever way you cut it. The point, really, is that she does it BETTER. She takes the classic star crossed lovers and turns it up a notch. It is addictive because it is so easy to get into this story line. As a girl, I could completely see myself in a rainy town at a new school bored with life. Until... a vampire saves me from being crushed by a pickup truck. HELLO! Who wouldn't keep reading?
I am anxiously awaiting book four....
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