Monday, March 31, 2008

Books are not RED, they are reAd...

Hello friends!

DC is treating me very well so far. Aside from the rain we had today, of course. But a little rain suits. We got to take it easy and have a slow day. Watched a few movies. Ate some great food. Finished my book. Absolutely adore Lauren Willig. She thinks like I do... but then she also has lovely twists that I enjoy reading and characters that are simply delightful. She makes me laugh out loud. I don't do that when reading books. Do you? It is very rare for me at least. Then there's the Willig books. I laugh out loud constantly. I was trying to read snippets (sp?) of it to Kelly today. She even laughed at them. So, if you want to read 'em. I've got 'em.

Anywho... we are heading into the city tomorrow. Museums. Hot dog vendors. Lots of fancy art. We discussed the spy museum, though Kelly has already been there and done that. We might try the Renwick gallery. Sounds interesting at least. I'm sure I'll update once I'm home. I'm missing home!!!

Anything fun happening in the real world that I missed? So far the news I've seen has been about fathers murdering their children. I don't much like it. I don't like it at all.

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