Sunday, February 20, 2011


There's lots of discussion this week about perfection because Sunday's gospel ends with "Be perfect." The truth, upon closer inspection, is that Jesus is promising to make us complete, not commanding us to be flawless. (What a relief!)

Whatever the case, it's led me to think about our expectations of ourselves and of one another. Why do we expect one another to be flawless when we know how impossible our own perfection is? It seems silly. Very silly.

On those lines, this link popped up on Facebook several places. It's a note to pastors.
Tell us the Truth by Rachel Held Evans

The comment section is an incredible read. Discouraging and encouraging depending on the item.

And based on that blog, Sunday's gospel, and my hellish week, I came up with this post for Taste and See.

Let me know what you think.
The Intern

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