Wednesday, December 08, 2010


Every year, around this New Year time (it is the new year according to the church calendar, btw), I give myself the gift of unsubscribing. What's this, you ask? It is part of decluttering my life!

How many e-mails do you get in a day that you immediately delete? From the airlines advertising a cheap flight, from Ticketmaster, from some inspirational quote/scripture/blurb of the day, from iTunes and whatever else you may or may not have signed up for.

I'm not talking about spam, those e-mails announcing how easy it is to enhance what God gave ya, because your spam filter should be taking care of those. I'm talking about all the rest of it.

Unsubscribe. Uncheck the box for special offers, monthly newsletters, updates on your favorite musical artists, and so on. You don't need the clutter.

And if you find yourself missing a full inbox, go online and find something to subscribe to that might actually bring you joy. For instance, I always read my Story of the Day from StoryPeople. And though it is not always earth shatteringly brilliant, it more often than not brings a smile to my face.

Find a devotion you like, a quote of the day from a site that seems to fit you, the photo of the day from National Geographic, or whatever tickles your fancy (no, not enhancement fancy!).

But unsubscribe from that stuff you don't read. You don't read it anyway! Your brain will thank you.

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