Monday, November 22, 2010

Gratitude and Appreciation

In the spirit of giving Thanks, I wanted to share my most recent and reoccurring thanksgiving.

My body.

Seriously, now. I work with a lot of elderly people who struggle to walk, talk, see, hear, respond quickly, and think clearly. I am so blessed with able legs that can walk up and down stairs (as well as run, skip, jump, and climb them). I am so blessed with eyes that see well (even if I begrudge the use of my glasses, they are a simple fix... and I give thanks there IS a fix). I am blessed with good hearing, thick long hair, all my teeth and working joints.

So whenever I start to begrudge my extra pounds, my generous thighs, or my imperfect vision, I think about my residents who would give anything to have my body - "warts and all."

Thanks, God. I'll try to take the best care of it I can. ;)

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