Monday, August 09, 2010

Comfort vs. Living Simply

I am one of the last interns to leave for internship - one of the last to start. This has caused me to see my friends through several rounds of packing and giving away. There are the three piles: take, store, get rid of. The "get rid of" stack is generally sub divided into trash and charity depending on the quality of the item. This sorting process has been especially interesting in light of my time in Mexico this summer. As a citizen of over-consuming-America, what do I do with all my stuff? How much do I NEED? What stuff is sentimental but functionless? What stuff is completely superfluous?

My greatest conundrum for moving to Montana is what to do with all that STUFF that I've accumulated in the last two years added to the things I brought with me in Henry the first year. More specifically, what to do with my couch, table, bed, entertainment center, tv, microwave... when I am moving into a fully furnished house? I only need to take the essentials (which, I apologize, also include my guitar and xbox and several well loved mugs and blankets!).

I lived perfectly find in Mexico for a week living out of a suitcase. Simply. My needs have been provided every single day even though I feel broke most of the time. I've been very blessed. Maybe because of this assurance, ultimately I decided to get rid of everything. Sell. Give to our school's international students who need to furnish their apartment. I came into this very fantastic apartment with very little and filled it up with fantastic hand me down furniture. All of it was provided for me perfectly. Can't I trust that God will provide for me again senior year?

So I had a yard sale on Saturday and gave the rest of my things away. I have various odds and ends boxes of office supplies, cd's, and books to go with my clothes, kitchen stuff, and the aforementioned essentials. In the past, I've been overwhelmed with how much stuff I have. This time, I'm contemplative about how much stuff we all have. Other cultures are not this cluttered!! Well, let's be safe and say that there are many other cultures who live (and LIVE abundantly!!!) a lot simpler than we Americans do.

In a note to my supervisors, I said that I was planning on only packing a car full of things to bring with me. Their response: "Sounds like you will be packing lightly, which I believe is one of God's intentions for us on this good earth." So I think I'm going to be in good hands this year!

Any thoughts on your STUFF? Over consuming? Ironic joy of consuming (retail therapy, comfort foods, etc)?


MOM said...

It's interesting.. I am also in a give away/ throw away mood. Maybe it became most clear when Silvia was missing for four days. All the STUFF I had, when all I wanted was her little furry self. So maybe when you come back from MT, we can empty some more things out of my house for yours.
Love you...MOM

Laura said...

Every time I am frustrated with clutter or am forced to go to our storage shed I so badly want to get rid of A LOT.

Unfortunately that would result in marital problems...

Alas-I'm stuck with useless, silly, space taking sentimental things forever and ever.