Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Verbatim - My Pastoral Visit with the World

Well, hello world. My name is 1L and I'm a Chaplain Intern. I just wanted to stop in a for a minute and meet you. Is now an okay time to visit? Great. Let me just pull up this chair here. So, what brings you here today? How does that make you feel? It sounds like this is all a bit overwhelming. Well, can I offer to say a prayer with you? What can I pray about? Okay, I can do that. But let's change it up and only pray about me, this time. Okay? Pray with me...

God of hope and healing, I am nearly drowning in emotion in this hospital land of sick, suffering, and new found joy. I float along medical terminology that barely speaks to the problems that real people are experiencing as aches or pains in their bodies. I want to separate the body from the soul and make it easier to talk to someone about their dying body and death. I want to be rewarded with the dark mysteries of someone else's soul without divulging my own. I want it to be easier.

God of blessings and light, thank you for surrounding me with such a magical cast of beautiful creatures. I am nearly drowning in deep thinking, insightful wisdom, questioning answers, and motivating tension. I float along words and quotes and prayers and thoughts that hum their way into my ears through the hospital air. I want to witness a miracle but I'd like to do so from the quiet and safety of my workspace corner. I want to learn how to live a life that honors human dignity and values stillness and silence in the midst of the chaos of living day to day. I want to know how to do it all right now.

Be with me. Restore me. Stay with me forever. Amen...

Okay world, thanks for praying with me. If you are around tomorrow, can I stop by and see you again? Great. And... I know waiting can be difficult. That's the hardest part of being here, I think. You'll be home soon enough. Just let the people here take care of you. They know what they're doing. Well anyway, have a good rest of the day.


Megs said...

In terms of literature and structure, this prayer is beautiful-- like the Psalms. However, I pray that this is more than a writing exercise, as I am sure that it is, and that you do witness miracles right there in the darkness the Lord has you walking through. You are indeed a light in a dark place. Thank you for your deep vulnerability with us.

Unknown said...

Thanks to you both.