Thursday, April 23, 2009

Feeling love in the virtual world

I don't know if any of you can appreciate this... but something just warmed my heart. Basically, I play this game called The West to avoid my school work. I play it with my cousin. My brother used to play. I have an attachment to it. It is also kind of fun because I get to flex some leadership muscles and see what it feels like to kick someone out of my town or to ask for more money to build more buildings, etc. I joke that I'm going to try to get my school to have a leadership class where you go online and play this game.

Anywho, the context is... that in this game there are duelers, workers, soldiers, and adventurers. Generally if you are a dueler, you shouldn't attack workers. But... we've been having some issues and I've been attacked. So we were discussing it in our town forum and they suggested that the workers put a little something in their profile about the town retaliating if we were attacked. So I wrote on mine something along these lines: "If you attack me, my town will kick your ass." Now... some of the townies thought that was a little harsh. They thought it would actually provoke someone to duel me instead of leave me alone. I agreed and changed it to something milder. Just today I check the forum and get this note from one of my townies:

If I read a profile from the Founder of a huge influential town like ours that said "my town will kick your ass" I would believe it. Just because she does have some muscle and we would all probably drop everything and kick someones ass if she asked us to.

I feel so loved...

...and now back to RL.


Unknown said...

It's because I'm writing papers and can't include the random THERE so I write it HERE!

Nikki said...

The west sounds like firefly sort of, maybe without the ships. Oh well, catching up again this afternoon.