Some of you may remember Hippo. This is Hippo. Upside down on his back with his left leg crossed in front of his body. Awesome.
Hippo slept with me last night for the second night in a row. Hippo hasn't slept with me for a long time so this has to say something. I'm just not sure exactly what it says. He could tell you that I successfully spent 12 hours in bed last night, though. At 7:30, I crawled into bed to check email and watch Pushing Daises. Then I read a little for class and turned off the light. I was just that tired from the day (it didn't help that someone in one of my groups essentially yelled at us for not truly being involved in the community - and he was right). So I turned off the light. Around 4am, I was awake. Trying to decide if it was okay to get up then knowing I had class until 9:30pm tonight. No, I'd never make it. So I went back to sleep after some honest prayer about my future.
Of course now I have a headache and feel just as tired since I OVER slept. I just can't win! I'm days behind on laundry and am currently in what I refer to as my "skinny" jeans. Oh today!
To top it all off, I had a troubling dream. (Yes, trust me, I didn't want to get out of bed, even after 12 hours.) I was hugging on and laughing with an old friend. And by "old friend" I mean a guy I used to be friends with. I might see him soon. So I guess I've been thinking on that recently.
So my question is, what do you do about getting back together with an old friend? Perhaps it needs to be said that he completely burned me. I've never truly gotten over it, either. Though I have been able to listen to music we enjoyed together (which is kind of a sacred thing for me). Do you forgive? Move on? How do you speak to the pain? How do you say that you hurt me and I'm not sure if we can ever be friends again knowing that is how you treat your friends? On the other hand, I'm sure he needs people that love him in his life. Don't we all? My question is if I can get over the hurt and be his friend if and when I do see him. Can I? Could you?
EDIT: From my fabulous mother: "Some times I think dreams are meant to be our soul doing its healing work." Which I think is definitely true. Thanks mama!
1 comment:
I think you can be acquaintances, but not good friends. Because no matter how hard you will try you will never be able to completely remove the hurt that you got from this person.
But I will say this does not mean that you can not love them anymore. I am just saying it will not be like nothing ever happened but it did.
I know you know this but be careful.
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