I get asked a lot what I am up to. I forget that I rarely explicitly say exactly what I am up to on this blog.... that was originally created for that purpose.
So here's the deal. In about a month, I am moving back to Nashville. I'll be staying with my mom down in Thompson's Station and visiting friends and family in the area. I'll stay busy and the time will pass too quickly... and then I will head north to the ever windy city. My anticipated move in date is the 20th. That's a wednesday and I picked it because I generally like wednesdays and they said I had to move in before Friday. So there you go.
June 29th (Sunday) : They are recognizing me at church. Pastor included the word "surprise" when he told me I had to be there....
July 18th - 23rd : Cousin's wedding in NC. Also a nice beach trip with my mom and possibly other fabulous Bradley women
July 30th (Wednesday) : My last karaoke night in town. Plan to attend. I'll buy you a drink.
July 31st and August 1st : My last two days at my coffee shop...
August 1st/2nd/3rd : I begin moving back to Nashville this weekend. Still no decision about whether to transfer all my things to a storage place in nash, leave them here in this storage unit, or leave them on the side of the road. Possible yard sale in the near future.
August 2oth : MOVE TO CHICAGO!! Not sure with what belongings or with what family members. I'll keep you posted. TWO MORE MONTHS!
So I've been applying for financial aid and mailing things north as they need them. I still have to do a writing sample. This could be a breeze (being an english major) or horrifying (being an english major). I'm going to try to knock it out today before work. I'll need a little coffee to get through it. Lol.
Any more questions?
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