I wonder what it would be like to know the future.
I know scores of movies and books and television shows have been dedicated to that very subject. They usually deal with the psychological aspects of it - a sense of responsibility, a foreboding gloom, an appreciation for the present, etc. I don't know what my response would be but I'm very sure I wish I knew the future right now. I'd like to know what kind of career I'm going to have, where I'm going to live, what my family will look like or if I'll be single, and then bigger things like the state of the country and the world, including south side Chicago. Would seeing the future be motivating or would it make me lazy?
Maybe God's got a good way of dealing with it after all - revealing His plan one piece at a time as it is necessary. Revealing a few steps at a time. I guess I just get frustrated waiting for God to let me in on the plan. I get tired of being patient. And then there's the theory that you don't "wait" on anyone or anything, you act. But I feel like that goes with dating theory in response to "I'm waiting for the right one to come along" less than in response to "I'm waiting for God to tell me what's up." I don't think I'm unnecessarily indecisive but I'm certainly not one to snap into action.
So what do I do? Continue to wait? Wonder? Pray? Except my prayers all seem to be exasperated questions of what the future holds. I get tired of repeating myself. ;)